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Dmitry Rogozin, Vladimir Putin | Putin’s favorite injured in hotel attack in Donetsk

Rogozin leads a military group known as “The Tsar’s Wolves”. According to Russia’s state-run Tass news agency, the group serves as a military adviser in the Donetsk area, where heavy fighting takes place on a daily basis. The 59-year-old is said to be one of Putin’s favorites and that he was a major instigator of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it writes swedish express.

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Previously, Rogozin headed Russia’s Roskosmos space agency, but this summer he was given the new post of military chief by Putin. Last Wednesday she was celebrating his birthday when suddenly someone attacked the hotel where Rogozin was staying.

– It was a real attack, the 59-year-old’s assistant says, according to the report taxwhich is reproduced by Expressen.

The aide also says Rogozin has been staying at the hotel on the outskirts of Donetsk for the past few months, unlike his soldiers who are out fighting at the front.

– I survive

In the wake of the attack, the protagonist himself issued a statement.

– I was wounded in the back, but I survived. The shrapnel hit an inch from my spine, she writes The Espresso.

Rogozin’s assistant is also reported to have told the Tass news agency the following:

– It was a targeted attack. Our specialists believe that the fire was opened by a 155mm Caesar artillery system, manufactured by the French company Nexter systems.

Here the Ukrainian president receives a standing ovation in Congress:


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Hard battles

Donetsk, located in eastern Ukraine, has been subject to fierce fighting for a long period of time. Especially in the city of Bakhmut, there were heavy losses on both sides for several weeks. The Russians have been trying to capture the city for several months and several experts have described the place as “hell on earth”.

– It’s entirely possible that they lose up to 500 soldiers at Bakhmut every single day, Tom Røseth told Nettavisen in mid-December. He is the dean of intelligence at the Norwegian Armed Forces College. Besides that, he leads their research team on Ukraine and has been following the situation in the country for several years.

And he added:

– The front line has been in Bakhmut for a long time and has swung back and forth a bit. It now appears that the Russians are attacking the city from three sides. They are making some progress, but it is limited.

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