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“Dmitry Medvedev Calls for Physical Extermination of Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky Amid Drone Strike Accusations: Latest News from Moscow”


Ex president Russia Dmitry Medvedev uttered loud calls to end the life of the President Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. The call came after Moscow accused Kiev of masterminding it drone strike to the Kremlin, the so-called ‘attempted assassination’ of the President Vladimir Putin.

As reported AFP and Russian news agencies, TASSThursday (4/5/2023), Medvedev, who served as President of Russia from 2008-2012 is a close ally of Putin and currently serves as Deputy Chair of the Russian Security Council.

“After today’s terrorist attack, there is no other option but the physical extermination of Zelensky and his accomplice,” Medvedev said in a statement via Telegram on Wednesday (3/5) local time.

Medvedev further stated that Zelensky “wasn’t even needed to sign an instrument of unconditional surrender”. He did not elaborate on the meaning of this statement, but apparently referred to the war that was taking place on the territory of Ukraine.

Medvedev’s loud call came after Russia said that two drones targeting the Kremlin complex in Moscow, precisely in the area where Putin lived, on Wednesday (3/5) evening, were successfully shot down and the debris scattered in the Kremlin courtyard.

Putin was not injured as he was not in the Kremlin when the attack occurred. There were no other casualties in the drone attack.

Moscow called the drone strike a “terrorist act” and an “assassination attempt” by the Kiev regime against Putin. Russia has openly accused Ukraine of being the main mastermind behind the drone attack.

Check out the full news on the next page.

Watch Video: Zelensky Denies Allegations of Trying to Kill Putin Using Drone


2023-05-04 05:13:17
#Kremlin #Attacked #Drones #Russian #President #Calls #Zelenskys #Murder

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