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dm: Warning of alverde product – drugstore calls back baby cream

Call back to dm

© Uli Deck / dpa; dm; Assembly: RUHR24

Product recall at Dm: care lotion from alverde for babies could produce undesirable side effects.

  • The drugstore chain dm has to recall a baby product.
  • The product can promote inflammation.
  • The company dm takes the product back and reimburses the price.

Karlsruhe – Again and again it happens that drugstores Need to recall products. The products can often have health effects. Now it is Drug store-Chain dm it is your turn – the market must have one as a precaution care lotion call back for babies.

dm calls back care lotion for babies – it can promote inflammation

From the recall, the “alverde baby care lotion organic shea butter organic chamomile“affected. All bottles are from dm recalled – regardless of the best before date. The drugstore asks the customer to buy the lotion not to use.

Reason for the recall: How dm reports, it cannot be excluded that in the product yeasts are included. The risk of damage to health is low. But it can care lotion for sensitive consumers inflammation favor.

alverde baby care lotion can be returned at dm

Who’s a bottle of “alverde baby care lotion organic shea butter organic chamomile“at home, it can be unopened or opened in the dmReturn markets. The purchase price will be refunded to the customer.

Regretted in a press release dm the incident and the inconvenience this causes and indicates the service contact for customers. If you have any questions, the service center can be reached on the free hotline 0800/365 8633. Customers can also ask questions about products or callback by email to [email protected].

At the company too Rossmann there was a message a few days ago that a popular product needs to be recalled. It even threatened blurred vision, And also Knorr had to recall a product because the packaging of an instant dish is incorrectly declared. It is no longer so vegan, but only vegetarian,

Video: Foreign body: dm calls back baby food

Only a few months ago dm recall a product that was intended for toddlers. At that time, small blue plastic parts were hidden in the baby food.

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