Home » today » Entertainment » Długosz: I have polar impressions, because I remember Ewa Demarczyk, who is very nice, but also unpleasant [WYWIAD MAZURKA] – News – Culture and Art – books, theater, art – high and mass culture – Dziennik.pl

Długosz: I have polar impressions, because I remember Ewa Demarczyk, who is very nice, but also unpleasant [WYWIAD MAZURKA] – News – Culture and Art – books, theater, art – high and mass culture – Dziennik.pl

It has not been so many years …

But you can still see the loss. Great figure, I don’t see one like that now.

What was the phenomenon of Demarczyk about?

With a powerful force of expression. Ewa had an unusual, magnetic voice that stuck into the armchair, brilliantly interpreted the texts, created a unique image. All this together built her stage character, completely impossible to forge.

You’ve met …

Oh God, almost 60 years ago, even before my and her performances in “Piwnica pod Baranami”, at some student party at the “Rotunda” club, probably in 1961, Ewa was already a star of the student cabaret “Cyrulik”.

What kind of star, she was only 20, was just starting out?

But she was great and instantly became the lead singer there. And then in “Rotunda” she sang completely conventional songs: “I’m not stupid”, “Buy a puppy”, some Italian hit. But when she sang them! expression, concentration, stage personality and mystery.

You were just getting started too.

I was a struggling singer in the “Hephaestus” theater at the Jagiellonian University, where I studied. Soon after, I joined “Piwnica pod Baranami”, where Ewa was already singing.

À by the way, how did you meet Piotr Skrzynecki?

Through my brother-in-law and friend Wieśek Smoky. My wife, Basia, then the organizational manager of Piwnica, and Wiesław’s first wife, Teresa Hrynkiewicz, were sisters. Wiesiek was probably the most talented person I have ever met, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, wrote scripts, made sets, acted in films. I started singing in Piwnica because of him and finished in 1978, after his death, that’s how it happened.

In “Piwnica pod Baranami” you got to know Demarczyk better.

I have polar impressions, because I remember Ewa which is very nice, friendly, funny, straightforward, but also, unfortunately, unpleasant, bitter, with whom it was better to avoid contact.

You guys performed together.

We had joint recitals, I sang in the first part, and she sang in the second part. I also translated songs from German for her, wrote lyrics, sang with my friends in the choir – we were linked by various bonds, from acquaintances, camaraderie, to professional cooperation.

Her career took off at lightning speed.


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