Home » today » News » Dl Raise, Conte: “It is 55 billion, equal to two Maneuvers” | Cig faster, pay INPS | “To Health 3.25 billion”

Dl Raise, Conte: “It is 55 billion, equal to two Maneuvers” | Cig faster, pay INPS | “To Health 3.25 billion”

The division of 55 billion – In the provision there are 25.6 billion for i workers, with the nine-week extension of the layoffs that companies will be able to request directly to INPS until October, skipping the passage of the Regions, and the bonus from 600 euros to the self-employed who will arrive automatically but may rise up to 1,000 euros: “We will make up for lost time,” says the premier. For the companies there are 15-16 billion, with the stop at Irap in June which is – he underlines – a “4 billion tax cut”. 3.25 billion for the Health. There are the emergency income and also the regularization of migrants. And still 1.4 billion for research and university with the hiring of 4,000 researchers.

“Self-employed 600 euros, then 1,000” – “For the self-employed and professionals enrolled in the separate INPS management, 600 euros will arrive immediately, because they will be given to those who have already benefited from it”, explains the Prime Minister, continuing: “I hope they can arrive in the next few hours, when the decree will go to the Gazette. official, then we reserve the right to integrate them with a refreshment of up to 1,000 euros “.

HealthIn the relaunch dl “for Health there is a substantial intervention, of 3.25 billion”, the premier then announces. With the appropriations provided for by the measure, the intensive care places “increase by 115%: thus it goes steadily from 5,179 places before the pandemic emergency to over 11,000 places”, underlines the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza also present at the press conference. There will also be incentives for healthcare workers: the allocation amounts to 190 million euros.

SchoolOne billion and 450 million in two years will be allocated to the school to plan a safe return to September and to attend the high school exam in presence safely. “We will have 16 thousand new teachers. – says Conte – 78,000 teachers will be fully operational”. Other changes also include the introduction of “1.4 billion resources for universities and research and the hiring of 4000 new researchers”.

“For hotels and bathing establishments via the first installment of the Imu” With the revocation decree, “the first IMU installment for hotels and bathing establishments” is canceled. The tax credit on holidays has been confirmed, with a bonus of 500 euros, for families with an Isee of less than 40 thousand euros. “Bars and restaurants will not pay Tosap” thanks to the collaboration with the Anci “.

2.4 billion tourism package The maneuver allocates 55 billion and which, according to the Ministry of Economy, mobilizes 130 billion of liquidity. The Tourism package is very substantial, with 2.4 billion only for the holiday tax credit, non-refundable resources for travel agencies, the IMU exemption for hotels, the stop to the tax on outdoor tables.

“Cdp will intervene to recapitalize” When asked whether the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will be a “new IRI?”, Conte replies that “these are targeted interventions aimed at promoting the recapitalization of companies”. Of course Cdp can intervene in crisis situations and company restructuring but they are two different things.

Gualtieri: “Let’s lay the foundations for the recovery”Even the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri intervenes explaining that “we lay the foundations for recovery”. The relaunch decree is an “imposing decree both for the resources it puts in place and for the very strong guidelines with which we support families, businesses, the health system but also lay the foundations for the restart and recovery of the economy”. “The quantitatively most relevant part – highlights the owner of the Treasury – concerns support for businesses, after Cura Italia and liquidity management is now the refreshment phase, grants for companies up to 5 million” in revenues ” who have had losses “,” support for important expenses such as rents and bills and an unprecedented commitment – he points out – in favor of the recapitalisations of companies and help to absorb the losses of small and even larger businesses online “with the update of the EU commission on the” temporary framework “.

With the decree “all workers can be supported and even families in difficulty who will be able to access emergency income and then families with the support of babysitters, parental leave and even summer camps because we are aware of the difficulties they will face with the closure of the schools “, continues Gualtieri. “We have important measures in terms of investments, green investments, investments with the 110% deduction of the eco-bonus and the seismic safety of buildings”.

Fraccaro: “Superbonus revolution for economy-environment” “The approval on my proposal of the 110% Superbonus for energy efficiency and anti-seismic adaptation of housing represents a revolution for the economy and the environment. I am proud of this rule that finds maximum consensus in the government and transversal appreciation of parties and trade associations. Now Italy can start again in the name of sustainable growth “. This was confirmed by the Undersecretary of State to the Prime Minister Riccardo Fraccaro.

Patuanelli: “Non-refundable indemnities from 2 thousand to 40 thousand euros” The Minister for Economic Development Stefano Patuanelli, in a press conference, explains that with the provision the executive allocates “6 billion” for compensation to companies “which invoice from zero to 5 million euros and which have had a drop in turnover of 33%, substantially all. Compensation goes “from 2 thousand euros to over 40 thousand euros for companies that have lost the ability to bill”.

Catalog: “230 million to pay for training during working hours” Finally, the Minister of Labor Nunzia Catalfo announces that 230 million euros are allocated with the decree, to counter the risk of an increase in unemployment. “In addition to the extension of the stop to layoffs for another 3 months, a measure which I strongly desired with which companies can allocate working hours to train workers, which will be paid by the State (including social security contributions) has been included in the dl and welfare services) thanks to a special ‘Training Fund’ “.

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