CNN Indonesia
Wednesday, 19 Apr 2023 09:00 WIB
Jakarta, CNNIndonesia —
After the 2023 Eid holiday, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government plans to deactivate the National Identity Number (NIK) almost 200 thousand residents whose residence documents still have status in the administrative area of the Republic of Indonesia’s capital city.
Head of the Population and Civil Registration Office for DKI Jakarta Province, Budi Awaluddin, said that his party had so far found 194,777 non-active residents in the area.
Therefore, his party will deactivate the National Identity Number (NIK) as a result of these findings.
“There are several main reasons why many residents were later found to be non-active,” he said in an orderly socialization of population administration and data collection for homecoming/returning Eid at the South Jakarta Mayor’s Office, Tuesday (18/4).
He said that most residents whose whereabouts are unknown and who have moved outside DKI, but their residence documents are still in DKI.
“The number is around 136,000 residents of the 194,777 non-active residents,” said Budi.
Budi explained that the benefits of deactivating the NIK were for the sake of orderly administration of the population, reducing the potential for regional financial losses, reducing the potential for abstaining from voting, and avoiding misuse of population documents by the public.
“All government agencies will be involved in this NIK deactivation agenda. Starting from provinces, cities, regions and also vertical agencies such as the Police and District Courts,” said Budi.
According to Budi, residents whose NIK is inactive and who object to the deactivation may come to the complaint post available in each urban village.
“With the established procedures, we will process community complaints. So please, people who want to consult may come to the nearest urban village,” said Budi.
Bimtek deactivation of NIK and implementation time
Budi said, the deactivation of NIK for non-active residents will be carried out in August 2023. From May to next July, technical guidance will be held for the community.
“Technical guidance will be given to each sub-district by the relevant regency/city. So the presentation of the material can better reach all people,” said Budi.
On the same occasion, Budi said that the statistical trend for urbanization from outside DKI Jakarta was 80 percent of migrants with high school education and below.
In the range of 40-50 percent of these migrants are low income. Then 20 percent of migrants occupy the Rukun Warga (RW) area which is classified as a slum.
“In fact, 80 percent of them are of productive age,” said Budi.
He is concerned that the ease of obtaining permits will lead to misuse of KTPs.
2023-04-19 02:00:32
#Heru #Budis #Men #Deactivate #Jakarta #KTP #NonDKI #NIK