Do you ever find yourself running to the washing machine to switch your laundry, only to realize you’ve left it running for longer than intended, or worse, forgotten about it entirely? It’s a small, yet frustrating annoyance that many of us have experienced. Fortunately, with the internet of things (IoT) and smart home technology, this annoyance could soon be a thing of the past. The integration of washing machines into the IoT has allowed for a new level of convenience, efficiency, and peace of mind. In this article, we explore how the internet of washing machines is revolutionizing the way we do laundry and solving a common household annoyance.
The washing machine belonging to [Laurence Tratt] exploded and he opted to purchase a new model equipped with the latest features, including internet connectivity and an API. Although some are skeptical about the necessity of such an advanced washing machine, [Laurence] took full advantage by creating a user-friendly interface for the washer’s API that displays a countdown on his computer. While the washer’s phone app may notify users when clothes are done, it lacks a countdown and frequently logs off, thus impeding notifications. The demonstrated combination of curl, jq, and pizauth is specific to this particular machine, but serves as an example of how to navigate unfamiliar APIs that use OAuth2 and JSON. [Laurence] also created the pizauth program, which facilitates OAuth2. Alternatively, one could retrofit an older washing machine to accomplish this task, but some may choose to just remove the motor instead of interfacing with it. Shoutout to [Jake] for the suggestion!
In conclusion, the Internet of Things has revolutionized the way we interact with everyday appliances, including washing machines. By utilizing the power of connectivity, we can now enjoy a hassle-free laundry experience with our smart washing machines. From remotely starting the cycle to receiving alerts when the laundry is done, IoT-enabled washing machines offer a vast array of benefits that make our lives more convenient and stress-free. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more advancements that will make our homes and appliances even smarter. In the meantime, let’s embrace the wonderful convenience and efficiency that the Internet of Washing Machines brings to our daily lives.