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Division in the NBA by the new norms against the coronavirus

The NBA has once again changed the rules to prevent the coronavirus and try to save the season, which already seems threatened by the bad situation of infections and deaths in which the United States is situated. For example, it will not be possible to hug or have a long conversation from close up with a player of an opposing team, limited to a bump of the fists or elbows, or the possibility of players leaving their homes or hotels for unrelated activities will be restricted. with basketball. All this for the sake of an already shortened calendar and with very few free dates to play postponed games, which already exist. The option of stopping the competition for two weeks continues to sound, but you want to avoid at all costs for the same commitments that led to the end of last season in October: the contracts.

In some sectors these updates have not sat well. One of those who has not bit his tongue has been George Hill, veteran player now in the Thunder. Here’s what he had to say after a loss to Spurs:

“We want to play this sport, but I don’t understand some of the rules that have been imposed on us. We can sweat for 48 minutes with a guy by our side for 48 minutes, but we can’t talk to him afterward. It doesn’t make sense.”

“I’m a grown man. I’m going to do whatever I want to do. If I want to go see my family, I’m going to go see my family. They can’t tell me that I have to stay in a room 24 hours a day and 7 days of the week. If it’s that serious, then maybe we shouldn’t be gambling. No one kills their lives for gambling. “

It is not everyone’s opinion. On the other coast is the position of Marc Gasol, Lakers center, voiced after a win over the Rockets:

“I understand that the rules they are setting are in everyone’s best interest. Luckily, and knock on wood, we’ve been very lucky so far.”

“When it comes to the games, we are all pretty much under control because we all have people who make sure we follow the protocols.”

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