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diving alongside a company that wants

NC the 1st spent a day in the banana plantation of Franck Soury-Lavergne who launched into an innovative product.

A month and a half after Niran, the effects of the cyclone are still visible in the banana plantation of Franck Soury-Lavergne. On March 6, gusts of over 250 km / h wiped out his harvest, i.e. 3 tonnes of ripening fruit. A disaster certainly, but also – perhaps, the start of an innovative project. Paul Coulerie participates in this project by transforming bananas into flour. This doctor in chemistry directs a research laboratory, he also chairs the NativNC cluster. Objective: to discover and promote new natural product sectors in New Caledonia. Green banana flour could be one of them, but the processes must first be fine-tuned. First step: the preparation of the fruits.

Many possibilities

It takes 5 kg of bananas to make 1 kg of flour. A yield four times lower than that of wheat, but what does it matter: the main thing is to test this new product, its faults, as well as its qualities. For what use? Gabriel Levionnois is testing this new local product in every way. His favorite: the pancakes! Savory or sweet dishes, green banana flour offers many possibilities … Countless qualities, but one big flaw: its price. In this organic store, local green banana flour sells for 1,750 CFP francs per 500 g. NC the 1st spent a day alongside those who took advantage of a devastating cyclone to take another step towards food self-sufficiency.

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