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Diversifying life insurance: 5 tips for success

Yields on euro life insurance funds continue to decline year after year. If these make it possible to secure part of his savings, the news invites us to think about the distribution of his investments and to turn to unit-linked supports *. Here are 5 tips for successfully diversifying your life insurance!

Take stock of your needs

Life insurance often responds to specific projects and needs: savings for children’s studies, additional income at retirement or to finance dependency, constitution of a contribution for the acquisition of a home, capital to pass on to its relatives…

Each of these projects corresponds to a investment horizon : short, medium or long term.

The availability of savings is a determining criterion in the management of your contract.

  • Are you in danger of needing your savings in the short term? Better to direct your investments towards secure or very low risk media.
  • Are you considering a medium-term project? You can opt for an investment with controlled risk and moderate return prospects.
  • Conversely, for a long-term project, you can include more units of account * in your life insurance, as they give you potentially higher profitability. In fact, the longer the deadline, the more the risk of loss of capital is diluted.

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