“We don’t know where we’re going. The drop in consumption (mainly of red wine, Editor’s note) is scary and makes you want to do something else.” Adrien Landry is one example among others of these cooperators who suffer. A crisis in the wine industry which, without reaching the same scale as in Bordeaux, is taking hold in the Rhône valley. Feeling the tide turn four years ago, this wine grower from Valréas redirected part of his production towards pomegranates (less than 1 ha) and olives. Hoping to gradually diversify to resist the vagaries of the market. Because the young operator has lost around 50% of his turnover since 2019. The frost wiped out his bunches in 2021. And this year, he is suffering from the drop in yields from Côtes-du-Rhône appellations
2023-11-03 10:04:12
#Wine #drop #consumption #CôtesduRhône #scares #producers