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Divers Encounter Rare Sixgill Shark in Vancouver Island Waters

A group of divers while diving in the waters around Vancouver Island (Canada) came face to face with one of the most elusive sharks on the planet – the sixgill shark.

This is reported Daily Star.

This is the oldest shark species in existence. The dive was attended by Garrett Clement, Danton West, Connor McTavish and Matteo Endrizzi.

According to one of them, when he first saw this animal, he immediately realized that such a meeting could happen only once in a lifetime. When the shark first turned towards the man and began to swim towards him, he felt his “heart skip a beat”.

“There’s a very good chance we were the first people she’d ever seen and she wanted to get a good look at us,” Clement shared.

The sixgill shark is known to grow up to 6 meters in length and inhabit tropical and temperate waters all over the Earth. Basically, these are deeper waters, and therefore human encounters with this creature are extremely rare.

This species is so ancient that it predates the dinosaurs. At the same time, it does not pose a direct threat to humans. According to the International Shark Attack File, there has only been one sixgill shark attack on humans since the 1500s, and it was provoked.

Earlier in the United States, fishermen caught a very rare creature, which was handed over to scientists for research.

Previously, “Cursor” reported that scientists showed the largest crocodile in the world, which is more than 100 le.

In addition, an extremely rare species of animal was noticed for the second time in 100 years.

2023-06-09 10:28:43
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