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D’Iva, Silvia Toffanin interviews Zanicchi between memories and emotions

Diva, in name and in fact. The first episode of the great one-woman show Iva Zanicchi was broadcast on Canale 5, bringing good humor, music and of course many friends from L’Aquila di Ligonchio to the homes of viewers. A show dedicated to Zanicchi’s life and career, seasoned with duets and performances but also from funny and exciting anecdotes.

The exciting interview with Silvia Toffanin

There is a time to laugh and one to travel through memories. There was great anticipation for the arrival of the studio Silvia Toffanin but the moment dedicated to her took an unexpected turn with respect to what Zanicchi said in the raid on Verissimo. The beautiful companion of Piersilvio Berlusconi interviewed the hostess, giving us an intense and exciting moment that made us reflect.

“Dear Iva, the beautiful thing about you is your frankness, that you are a woman of great values and that you are a woman linked to family and origins ”, thus began the interview with a Toffanin as beautiful as a celestial vision: wrapped in a very elegant black dress with transparent sleeves and a black belt that marked the thin waist.

Iva and the special relationship with her mother

Sitting on a white armchair, Iva retraced the highlights of her youth in the delightful Ligonchio that gave her birth. Very close to her mother, with whom he had a very close relationship. An immense love despite everything, even if he did not want the girl but the long-awaited boy, after having had the older sisters. A difficult childhood marked by the absence of her father, locked up in a labor camp for three years, and by a certain “rivalry” with her sisters, compared to whom she was less beautiful. But she had great personality, as her mother told her. And he was absolutely right.

Iva Zanicchi opened her heart to Silvia Toffanin, as indeed happens to anyone who passes by the microphones of the beautiful presenter. And his story gradually became more and more exciting, among amusing but above all touching anecdotes, linked once again to the mother, so important for her life. Like that on the day of First Communion, when she was alone with her godmother: “For the first time that day I grew up. I felt compassion, for my mom who had made so many sacrifices for us. And she couldn’t come to my First Communion because she didn’t have a good dress to wear ”.

“My mom is here, with me. It is always close to me and I miss it to death. You have to stay close to your parents because when they leave you will feel an unbridgeable void ”, concluded the splendid VAT.

The touching memory of his brother Antonio

A pain that of the loss of the mother, who passed away ten years ago, who was swept away by only one even greater loss. That of his brother that Iva never misses an opportunity to remember. He did it back to Diva, retracing the last year and a half, a dose horribilis in which she had to face the illness of her partner and that specter of Covid that struck all family members, including her. And that took them away her brother Antonio, to whom she was very attached: “A bad pain, because they don’t give you the opportunity to be close to your loved one who is sick”. The voice that breaks with emotion, the eyes bright and full of love and memories.

And to conclude this touching story worthily, at the suggestion of Toffanin the great Iva sang her brother’s favorite song: Despite her. A song that he hadn’t sung for a long time and that, yes, he gave us an exciting and intense moment, a shiver down my spine.

The (almost) reunion between Anna Tatangelo and Gigi D’Alessio

The first episode of Diva it was a whirlwind of emotionsbut in addition to the saddest memories there was ample room for great music. The moment dedicated to the great is hilarious Orietta Berti, with which Zanicchi had exchanges of jokes (and jokes) and duetted in some of the most famous songs of their careers.

But everyone until the last wondered only a queue: Anna Tatangelo and Gigi D’Alessio, planned in this first episode, will they meet on the stage of D’Iva? Expectations were disappointed, ahi noi: the splendid Anna performed at the beginning of the show together with Iva Zanicchi ea Bianca Atzei, while Gigi D’Alessio had a moment in the second part of the episode. In short, it is not difficult to think that the two have specifically asked to “Avoid” each other, given the latest (not exactly idyllic) developments in their relationship.

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