From 21 March to 20 April, GGD Brabant-Zuidoost will be vaccinating children against DTP/MMR, HPV and meningococcal ACWY at several locations in the region. Nearly 60,000 children in our region will be eligible for these free vaccinations this spring. They will receive an invitation from RIVM by post about 2 weeks in advance.
Who will receive an invitation
BMR/DTP: all children born between January 1 and June 30, 2014
HPV: all young people born in 2013, 2011, 2010, 2007 and 2005
Meningococci ACWY: all young people born in 2009.
GGD also offers free walk-in moments
Janneke Buissink, Program Coordinator for the National Immunization Program at GGD Brabant-Zuidoost, explains: “The invitation letters state where and when we expect you to get your vaccination. Vaccinating such a large group of children is a huge logistical puzzle. You help us a lot if you just show up at the agreed time. If you really cannot come to your appointment, you are welcome during the daily walk-in moment from 10.30 am to 12.00 pm. Or come to the extra vaccination day on April 20 in the vaccination pavilion on the Antoon Coolenlaan in Eindhoven, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you opt for the free walk-in, you don’t have to call to reschedule your appointment. Please take into account some waiting time at the locations. Here you will find an overview of all walk-in moments:”
Brothers and sisters can get the shot at the same time
Sometimes several children in 1 family are eligible for an injection. “Of course they can come and get the shot at the same time. You don’t have to call for that, choose which appointment suits you best and report to the information desk on location,” explains Janneke.
Only this year free HPV shot for 18+
With the HPV jab you protect yourself and others against 6 types of cancer of the mouth and throat, penis, anus, vagina, labia and cervix. This year only, the HPV jab is also available free of charge for young people aged 18 to 26:
- Young people born in 2004 are welcome from 21 March to 20 April without an appointment at
the daily walk-in time from 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. at one of the injection locations in the region: - Young adults born between January 1, 1996 and December 31, 2003 are
years are welcome at several locations in the region, making an appointment is not necessary. Check here
which locations the HPV jab is available for this target group:
Please note: if you get the 1st injection before July 1, you can get both injections for free this year.
No corona vaccinations available on Wednesday 12 April
The vaccination pavilion Eindhoven (Antoon Coolenlaan) is reserved on Wednesday 12 April, Thursday 13 April and Thursday 20 April for the group vaccinations of the National Immunization Program and for the HPV vaccination 18+. No corona vaccinations are available here on those days. On Thursdays, residents can get the repeat injection at the pop-up location in the Fletcher WellnessHotel in Helmond.
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