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Disturbing: The Last of Waifus is now available on Steam for TLOU2 widowers

Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Coverage / Instagram / Discord

You are the last Waifu cleaning the city, already fallen by the infected, whose only objective is you. This is how a video game of “adventure, action and shooting” that came out today in the store of Steam and what is his name The Last of Waifus. We do not know for sure if it is a “serious” project or if it will be another of those video games with early access that never go on the market.

As I already mentioned, the game is in early access and offers gamers the opportunity to buy it for $700 CLP in the shop of Steam in order to help developers with financial support and feedback.

About the game the developers comment that: “Currently the game features a pretty good version of our game engine and physics. What we have now allows the player to get an idea of ​​the game and discover its possibilities. “

What we can see in the videos is not much but without a doubt this game will attract the attention of more than one. Will you have the option to customize your waifu?

The content of this video game is 100% real and you can visit the video game page here. We leave you with the trailer of this adventure:

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Editorial: Gaming / Facebook / Twitter / Coverage / Instagram / Discord

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