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District network company – Mainz-Bingen district


Supply of heat and energy, production of electricity, climate protection in companies and subsidies to companies: four topics, four round tables.

At the “network company” in the district administration, representatives from a wide variety of sectors in the district gathered to exchange views on these topics. In an informal atmosphere, in the form of an entrepreneur’s breakfast, they received useful information and tips from experts in the respective sector.

The lively discussions made it clear how great the need for exchange and information is. The areas were different: the savings potential for companies, the improvement of the conditions for the construction of photovoltaic systems, the right approach to the climate balance and an overview of the related financing programs are just a few examples. The topics are exciting and the exchange lively – the interactive format could go on like this, was the conclusion of the participants. A first meeting took place in July. A proposal already put forward for the next network meeting: a presentation of some companies and their experiences in the field of sustainability and climate protection. The meeting is scheduled for November 15, 2022.

The round tables were supervised by Markus Patschke, Energy Advisor of 3E-Consult, Peter Magyar, Energy Advisor to the Energy Efficiency and Environmental Engineering Bureau, Michael König, Sustainability Advisor to Royal Consult and Sarah Bernhardt -Vautz of the Rhineland-Palatinate Energy Agency.

The “network company” offers companies a platform for networking, exchanging experiences and expressing questions and suggestions. It is not a question of presenting ready-made solutions, but of further developing and promoting them within the exchange. This is organized by the District Administration’s Environmental and Energy Advisory Center (UEBZ) in cooperation with the Rhine Hessian Chamber of Industry and Commerce. These network meetings are held approximately every eight weeks in the form of business breakfasts, information events, company visits and excursions.

Information is available from Fabienne Siegl at the UEBZ, telephone number: 06132 787 2177 or by email at [email protected]

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