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District master craftsman Wolfgang Kramwinkel honored for his commitment

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Created: 05/06/2022, 03:00 am

Von: Joshua Bär


At the farewell to Wolfgang Kramwinkel, Prime Minister Volker Bouffier also paid tribute to the Dietesheimer’s life’s work. The honoree himself thanked his wife Monika, without whom he would never have been able to fill the office in this form. © georg-photo

For a quarter of a century, Wolfgang Kramwinkel represented the interests of the industry in the region as a district master craftsman. In March, the 67-year-old handed over his position to Dennis Kern from Obertshausen. Now fellow craftsmen and politicians from the city and district have said goodbye to him. Even Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) paid tribute to Kramwinkel’s life’s work.

Offenbach – “Wolfgang Kramwinkel is a person who has achieved incredible things,” Bouffier praised the voluntary work of the master carpenter from Dietesheim yesterday at the farewell party in EVO’s old locksmith’s shop in Offenbach. They have met many times in the past 25 years, and Kramwinkel has always fought for his goals. “Every encounter with him has been an enrichment,” emphasizes the Prime Minister. One property in particular distinguishes Kramwinkel. “He had the gift of gathering many behind him.” That is mainly due to his positive charisma. “He’s the optimistic face of the trade.” Bouffier also honored Kramwinkel with the Hessian Lion for his commitment.

Kramwinkel’s optimism impressed many of his companions. District administrator Oliver Quilling describes the honoree as a “personified district craftsmen’s association”. He always had an open ear for the problems of the craftsmen and stood up for them. To this end, he worked in a solution-oriented manner, without being afraid of change. “Without people like him, the model of craftsmanship is inconceivable,” says Quilling, emphasizing Kramwinkel’s work.

District master craftsman Kramwinkel “paved the way for the younger generation”

Susanne Haus sees it that way too. “When you talk about skilled trades in Hesse, you can’t get past it,” says the President of the Frankfurt-Rhein-Main Chamber of Crafts. She thanks Kramwinkel for his warmth and empathy. And for “paving the way for the younger generation.”

Offenbach’s Lord Mayor Felix Schwenke praises Kramwinkel for his direct manner. “In our conversations he always got straight to the point. That was very pleasant.” Schwenke sends a special thank you to the former district master craftsman for the successful initiation of the annual foreman conference in Offenbach. “It’s amazing what they have done for the city and the district of Offenbach.”

The 67-year-old is an inspiration for Kramwinkel’s successor Dennis Kern. “He’s leaving big footprints. It will be difficult to live up to that.” Kern was particularly impressed by Kramwinkel’s ambition. But he also knows that his predecessor will help him. “If I need anything, I can always call him.”

Wolfgang Kramwinkel looks back on his tenure without nostalgia

And what does the honoree say himself? Visibly touched, Kramwinkel turns to his family. His wife Monika encouraged him to accept the position. And despite many appointments and trips, “she never complained.” However, her greatest achievement was raising the children at the same time. “You are the person who brings everything together,” Kramwinkel appreciates his wife. He looks back on his tenure without nostalgia. He has experienced a lot and met great people along the way. Volunteering helped him personally. “A position like this broadens your own horizons, you develop a knowledge of human nature and also get to know the problems of other craftsmen. I am very happy to have held the office.”

However, Kramwinkel is not going into retirement. He will continue to be committed to the skilled trades, including as President of the Hessian skilled trades employers’ associations. (By Joshua Bear)

To person

Wolfgang Kramwinkel was born on December 13, 1954 in Offenbach. After attending the Friedrich-Ebert secondary school in Mühlheim, he began his apprenticeship in his father’s carpentry shop in 1971. In 1976, Kramwinkel completed his master carpenter and joiner’s degree. In 1997 he took up the position of district master craftsman, which he held until March of this year. In addition, Kramwinkel is involved, among other things, in the Lions Club in Mühlheim, which he co-founded, and last but not least in the carnival of the Dietesheimer Kolpinger. jb

Thomas Iser, Managing Director of the Offenbach Employment Agency, presents a training certificate to Wolfgang Kramwinkel.
Thomas Iser, Managing Director of the Offenbach Employment Agency, presents a training certificate to Wolfgang Kramwinkel. © georg-photo

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