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District lifts sanitary fence in the Southeast

After 17 days of accompaniment, the Mayor’s Office of Barranquilla announced the lifting of the sanitary fence in the Suroriente locality, one of the prioritized areas to decrease new cases of COVID-19 infections.

In this sanitary fence, which was installed on July 4 by the mayor Jaime Pumarejo and covered 8 square kilometers, about 248,017 people received priority attention and access to a wide institutional offer.

“These strategies seek to save lives, care for and permanently accompany the sectors that have been most affected by the virus so that, together, we can overcome this crisis in less time,” said Nelson Patrón Pérez, head of the Office for the Security and Citizen Coexistence.

During this period, daily pedagogical rounds were carried out with the support of the Police and the Army to inform the community about the care that must be maintained in the prevention of COVID-19 and to deliver about 13,500 face masks.

Likewise, in the nine quadrants that the fence was divided, sampling sessions were carried out to detect and prevent new infections by coronavirus. For their part, the ‘Health Walkers’ surveyed the high-risk population and registered people over 60 on the Baq60 platform.

The Ministry of Recreation and Sports was linked to recreational days in the different quadrants, with the purpose of promoting healthy lifestyles. In these spaces classes of rumbaterapia, cardiovascular and functional exercises were developed, with the participation of children and adults.

For its part, the District Infrastructure Agency (ADI) provided the population with information about the consequences of throwing garbage and other types of elements into the stream that runs through the Rebolo sector, inviting residents to take care of the riverbed and become aware of the damage that it represents for them and the rest of the city to throw waste in the streams.

ADI also carried out the washing and disinfection of the facades of houses, streets, shops and commerce in general, with the objective of preventing the spread of contagion. In total, 323,842 square meters were washed and disinfected throughout the southeast sanitary fence.

While the Office for Citizen Security and Coexistence also opened a space for recreation and education with La Cinevan, which screened a series of animated shorts and documentaries to promote the prevention of coronavirus infections, as well as the practice of values ​​such as respect and solidarity for all to be able to overcome the health emergency in Barranquilla.

It should be noted that other of the agencies that supported this strategy include the Risk Management Office, the Urban Control and Public Space Secretariat, the Government Secretariat, the Health Secretariat, the Traffic and Road Safety Secretariat, Barranquilla Verde, Office of Strategic Management, Golden Gate and Planning Secretariat.

Other fences

At the beginning of this strategy, the District had installed 6 sanitary fences in Rebolo, La Playa, Ciudadela 20 de Julio, La Sierrita and Carrizal, which ended their period of isolation.
In the Barranquillita sector, a sanitary fence was also installed to protect the inhabitants of this sector. GA

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