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District and Team: Training, Preparations, and Expectations for the Swedish Cup

District and team?
Class F15, HF Mitt lag 4

When did player training for this cohort start and how has it been structured?
For the 08 cohort, player training began in May 2022, the conditions regarding player training have been good.

What will your immediate preparations look like for the Swedish Cup?
We have completed two full-day sessions with the team where we trained, played matches and carried out team building activities.

What are you most looking forward to during the Swedish Cup?
To create memories for life, and play matches against talented handball players in other district teams.

What expectations do you have for the Swedish Cup? Feel free to tell us about your sporting expectations, but don’t forget to reflect on the arrangement and the experience you think it will be for you as a group.
Our ambition is to complete all matches in the way we have agreed upon as a team. Regardless of the results, the cup will be an unforgettable memory.

When the audience takes their seats in Nyköping, what can they expect to see?
A running team, where everyone wants to reach the goal! A defense and goalkeeping game where everyone works together.


2023-10-23 12:16:58
#Lagpresentation #Mitt #F15 #lag

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