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Distribution of gifts: Santa Claus is an essential service, Legault slice

The North Pole is still in the green zone, Santa Claus will be able to distribute gifts as usual on the night of December 24 to 25, Prime Minister François Legault announced on Sunday at a very special press conference alongside the legendary character with white beard.

For the occasion, the children had replaced the journalists and they took the opportunity to bombard the Prime Minister and Santa Claus with questions related to the pandemic.

“Is it possible to leave cookies and a glass of milk for Santa Claus?” asked little Raphaëlle, 7, in particular, when she came to the microphone.

Answer: of course! Insatiable lover of sweets, as evidenced by his waist size, the famous resident of the North Pole even hinted that he would gladly taste the famous cream, these Portuguese tarts so much praised by the Dr Horacio Arruda last spring.


The national director of public health was not present on Sunday during the press briefing, but Prime Minister Legault said that he too gave his blessing to Santa Claus for the delivery of gifts to the cottages.

It must be said that even if Santa Claus lives in promiscuity with his elves, the North Pole has not identified any case of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic. In addition, Mr. Noël has already received the vaccine, considered a priority patient because of his venerable age.

“It stung a few seconds and then it was over. We can’t say it really hurt. On the contrary, it feels good. Being vaccinated is good for everyone, ”he said on Sunday when the young Edmond hounded him on the subject.

A message to Quebec children

Despite everything, François Legault invites young and old to keep a distance of two meters with Santa Claus if ever, by the greatest of luck, they meet him on the evening of December 24.

The premier of Quebec also praised the efforts of children since the start of the coronavirus crisis. Mr. Legault nevertheless allowed himself to ask them kindly to make a last sacrifice in these difficult times, when telework and home schooling sometimes go hand in hand.


“You know, for your parents, it was also a difficult year. We just want to ask you, when you’re in the house, to be quiet. Try to be quiet, give your parents a hug, but try not to annoy them, because they are tired, ”implored François Legault, who then revealed that his favorite Christmas song was December 23.

“We will see you again on January 11”

“December 23, Merry Christmas, Mr. Côté. Hi ti-cul, we’ll see you again on January 7, ”sings Beau Dommage in this timeless Quebec holiday classic.

However, the Prime Minister proposes to change the words this year, as school will resume on January 11, and not on the 7th, in order to avoid the spread of the virus.

Santa Claus also sang the song during the press conference. His voice even sounded like that of actor Pierre Curzi.

“I was told that your favorite films were The decline of the American empire and the The Plouffe, is that true? ” François Legault joked.

Santa Claus is not the first character to be declared an essential service by the Legault government, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny also benefiting from this title.

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