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Disruptions Expected for Day of Mobilization: Transport, Education, Health, and Energy Affected

Transport, education, health, energy: what will be the disruptions for the day of mobilization this Friday?

After the pension reform, the inter-union is remobilizing and organizing a day of strikes this Friday, October 13 “against austerity, for wages and gender equality”. A day which will be held a few days before the social conference on low wages organized on October 16 at Cese and chaired by Elisabeth Borne.

“Purchasing power and an increase in salaries, pensions and social minimums are still the demands of the world of work. We call on employers to open negotiations at all levels,” we can read in the press release. of the inter-union.

“We need to stock up,” urged Sunday on FranceInfo Sophie Binet.

“I think that the French are very angry, salaries are totally insufficient to live on,” continued the general secretary of the CGT. “This is the reason why I am calling on all employees to strike, to demonstrate.”


In the air, you will have to take precautions. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation asked airlines to give up 40% of their flight schedule on Friday at Paris-Orly, France’s second largest airport, following the call for a strike relayed by a minority union of air traffic controllers. .

Carriers were also called upon to reduce their flight schedules at Marseille-Provence by 20% and at Beauvais by 15%, the DGAC said in a press release, warning that the activity of air navigation centers en route, managing aircraft circulating in French skies would also be affected.

“Despite these preventive measures, disruptions and delays are nevertheless to be expected. The DGAC invites passengers to postpone their trip and to contact their airline to find out the status of their flight,” specifies the administration responsible for air transport safety and security.

To the SNCFthree union organizations (CGT-Cheminots, Sud-Rail and the CFDT) announced their intention to follow the movement.

In Ile-de-France public transport (RATP), the CGT calls for a strike over wages, estimating in a press release that “the latest wage measures have not caught up with inflation”. It is also a question of protesting against the opening to competition.

We will know the traffic forecasts from the RATP and the SNCF between this Wednesday and Thursday.

Road transport sidethe Federal Road Union of the FGTE-CFDT union invites carriers to “support this demonstration”.


In nursery and primary schools, the FSU-SNUipp and the SNES-FSU, the majority in middle and high schools, relayed the call for mobilization. Teachers will have to communicate to parents if they are striking 48 hours in advance; this obligation does not exist in secondary education.

The inter-union of higher education and research joins the movement and calls for “walkouts and strikes organized during the European mobilization day of October 13”.


The unions representing general practitioners are calling for a strike which could be renewed after Friday.

The 1.50 euro increase in the consultation announced in April by Health Insurance has still not been implemented. They charge prices between 30 and 50 euros for a basic consultation.

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The CGT, the leading energy union, has called on employees in the electricity and gas industries to strike from Wednesday evening and all day Thursday, on the sidelines of negotiations for salaries in the sector, it was reported. learned Monday from the union.

The three other representative organizations, however, did not call for a strike.

“We are calling for a strike and the resumption of work tools by collective decision,” Fabrice Coudour, of the CGT-Energie, told AFP. More concretely, employees meeting in general meetings could decide, starting Wednesday evening at 9:00 p.m., to reduce electricity production.

Olivier Chicheportiche Journalist BFM Business

2023-10-11 05:43:12
#October #strike #expect #transport #education #health

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