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Disney showed funny pics with the Avengers. They have Thor and Cap with umbrellas, Natasha and the raccoon man

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Yesterday, Marvel’s epic movie comic strip “Avengers: Infinity War” appeared on the Disney + streaming service. In honor of this, the company decided to release a set of new photos from the filming of the tape, which had not previously shown. They depict almost all the main acting superheroes, from Captain America to Spider-Man.

In total, Disney showed 8 photos:

Thor and Captain America relax under umbrellas. Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans

Disney showed funny pics with the Avengers.  They have Thor and Cap with umbrellas, Natasha and the raccoon man

The black panther is preparing to go on the attack. You can see the Black Widow and the Winter Soldier. Chadwick Boseman

Disney showed funny pics with the Avengers.  They have Thor and Cap with umbrellas, Natasha and the raccoon man

The black widow looks dramatically at the camera. Scarlett Johansson

Disney showed funny pics with the Avengers.  They have Thor and Cap with umbrellas, Natasha and the raccoon man

Nebula with her bust and Drax. Karen Gillan and Dave Bautista

Disney showed funny pics with the Avengers.  They have Thor and Cap with umbrellas, Natasha and the raccoon man

Bruce Benner and Wong have fun on the streets of New York. Mark Ruffalo and Benedict Wong

Disney showed funny pics with the Avengers.  They have Thor and Cap with umbrellas, Natasha and the raccoon man

Director Joe Russo shows the Scarlet Witch how to use her power. Elizabeth Olsen

Disney showed funny pics with the Avengers.  They have Thor and Cap with umbrellas, Natasha and the raccoon man

Thor and Raccoon Rocket. He was played by Sean Gunn

Disney showed funny pics with the Avengers.  They have Thor and Cap with umbrellas, Natasha and the raccoon man

Iron Man and Spider-Man at the time of a meeting with Thanos. Robert Downey Jr. (Robert Downey Jr.) and Tom Holland

With the advent of Infinity Wars on Disney +, Netflix had almost no Marvel movies left, with the exception of Ant-Man and the Wasp, which would also leave the site soon. All films about Spider-Man without Sony tapes are also available in the service.