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Disney Imagineer Unveils HoloTile Floor for Enhanced VR Experience

VR (Virtual Reality) / MR (Mixed Reality) technology has become a hot topic in recent years, and many technology giants are developing such devices. In order to enhance the experience of VR users, Disney Imagineer showcased the newly designed “HoloTile” floor, allowing VR users to be more immersed in the “virtual world”.

▲Picture source:Disney Park@YouTube

VR/MR technology continues to advance, and the degree of realism is getting higher and higher. Players can experience different interesting things with first-person vision. However, if they can only sit on the sofa, the entire VR experience will be greatly compromised. A few years ago, foreign technology companies launched VR treadmills, allowing players to experience games while walking in real time with in-game characters. Unfortunately, this type of VR treadmill usually takes up a lot of space and is very bulky. Not everyone’s home can accommodate it. Families that can accommodate such a huge thing may find its appearance ruining the home design style.

▲A certain VR treadmill launched a few years ago, picture source:kickstarter

In order to solve the above problems, Disney Imagineer uploaded a video on YouTube to share with everyone the latest invention HoloTile. This HoloTile is like a piece of carpet and can be used by laying it on the floor. The entire HoloTile system consists of hundreds of coin-sized “tiles”. Each “tile” is an omnidirectional treadmill that can turn independently, preventing players from leaving the HoloTile.

▲Picture source:Disney Park@YouTube

▲Picture source:Disney Park@YouTube

Disney Imagineer stated in the video that this HoloTile can automatically prevent players from leaving the range, and can support multiple people walking on the HoloTile at the same time, expanding the practical usability of VR/AR.

▲Picture source:Disney Park@YouTube

Friends who are interested in Disney HoloTile can watch the video below:

source:Tech CrunchDisney Park@YouTube

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