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Disney+ Crackdown on Password Sharing: Changes to Subscription Sharing Rules and New Account Options

Web he draws the information with reference to the company Mouse House, which announced to Disney+ subscribers in Canada that as of November 1, the established custom is changing.

“If your service level does not allow it, you may not share your subscription outside of your home,” the company said in a statement. It also states that failure to comply with the regulations “may limit or terminate access to the Service and/or take any other action permitted by this Agreement.”

The announcement further suggests that Disney+ will offer a new option (or options) to share a single account outside of the primary user’s household. However, it is not yet clear under what conditions this will happen.

The notice to Canadian subscribers is part of an update to Disney+ subscriber agreements to clarify account sharing rules. It is also certain that after Canada, the change will be applied further in the United States. It is assumed that by the end of the year.

Summer statement

Disney+ announced its intentions to subscribers in advance, in the summer, saying it would try to change the contracts to make them more profitable. This includes restrictions on subscription sharing. At the same time, he assumes that he will be more benevolent within one family. How, that too is not yet known.


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In addition, from November 1, a special tariff will be launched in other states Disney+, which includes advertising. In addition to them, users also have to accept the fact that the content cannot be downloaded. In Canada, it costs USD 7.99/month (roughly CZK 187).

It will also be available in the UK and eight other European countries: France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The Czech Republic is not counted yet. Otherwise, the tariff has already been available in the USA since last December.

In the footsteps of Netflix

Disney+ is following in the footsteps of rival Netflix in cutting back. The latter launched a “paid sharing program” in more than 100 countries in mid-May.

The platforms have the same goal: to get illegal users who borrow passwords to get their own account, or to get “old” customers to add non-household users as “additional members”. The strategy also includes the offer of a cheaper tariff with advertisements.

Netlix’s strategy has paid off so far. According to Variety, it gained 5.9 million new subscribers in the second quarter — more than double its original forecasts.

Another streaming platform, Amazon, also launched an ad tariff strategy this year.

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2023-10-03 14:59:51
#Disney #limiting #password #sharing #cancel #accounts #News

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