Home » today » Health » Dismembered bodies of young people found who are believed to be victims of alias ‘Satan’, a criminal accused of drinking their blood

Dismembered bodies of young people found who are believed to be victims of alias ‘Satan’, a criminal accused of drinking their blood

The bodies of two dismembered young men, One of them was missing its head and was found by authorities in graves located in a rural area of Garzon and Giant, Huila.

According to the criteria of

The bodies were exhumed last Saturday by authorities after obtaining information from a person who knew about the double homicide, which was attributed to a man identified as Janer Iván Morales Poveda, a dangerous criminal with the alias ‘Satan’.

‘Satan’, 43, would be the author of At least 40 murders committed in the municipalities of Garzón and Gigante. He commanded networks of dealers of hallucinogenic drugs and, after using young people and adults in these tasks, he proceeded to kill them, but, first, He dismembered them and then cut off their heads and drank their blood, as his henchmen have told the authorities.

It was learned that the two bodies found in a pit last Saturday remain in the Forensic Medicine Department of Garzón. One of the bodies was identified and work is underway to establish the full identification of the other, which was found without a head.

‘Satan’ was captured on May 30 by the CTI of the Prosecutor’s Office in a rural area of ​​the municipality of Gigante and several months of follow-up were needed based on multiple complaints against him by relatives of people who remain missing in the department of Huila.

He had in his possession a 38-millimeter caliber revolver, a cell phone, a knife and 300 grams of basuco.



What has been established is that, under intimidation and threats, this man He forced young people and adults to join his group dedicated to the sale of narcotics and, without being paid the exact amount of money from the sales, he would kill them.

According to intelligence work, alias Satan “would have claimed to have had a pact with the devil, indicating that in order to fulfill this, he had to kill at least two people per month and drink their blood, which is why he would dismember his victims in a kind of ritual.”

This man with alleged ties to the ‘Oficina de Envigado’, in addition to the homicides, “would be dispossessing peasants and coffee growers in the region of their lands, to illegally take over them,” the authorities indicated.

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