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Dismay over death of four Honduran children on fire in Miami

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- Consternation and sadness is the reality that lives a Honduran family and their friends after the death of four little countrymen in a fire registered at his home in Miami, Florida.

The incident occurred last Monday when the four children were in a house located at 3621 NW 18th Terrace, in the area of ​​Little Havana, near Miami International Airport, and failed to get out in time of the fire that devastated their home .

During the tragedy, some neighbors tried to rescue the little ones, but unfortunately when the paramedics arrived children had died asphyxiated By the smoke.

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The victims were identified as three little brothers who responded to the names Neziyah Fernández (one), Nomar López (6), Naina Lee Lopez (8), and his cousin HeyLin Mejía (eleven).

Everyone, except NainaLee, died Monday afternoon, shortly after rescuers from the Miami Fire Department took them to the Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital.

NainaLee fought for her life until Wednesday, when she couldn’t stand and died.

Félix López, uncle of the victims, said that the bodies of the four children were recently delivered to his family and that they will be buried until next Saturday, January 11 in Miami, United States.

The authorities continue to investigate the tragedy and await the arrival of relatives from Trujillo in Honduras.

FURTHER: Mexico affirms that new migrant caravan will be formed in Honduras

Acquaintances of the affected families reported that they were very dear and that they always watched the children play in front of their house, all are very close, and described the relatives of the deceased as hardworking and struggling people who for more than 15 years, in In search of a better future, they came to the United States, where with effort they went ahead, not forgetting their country Honduras, which they instilled in the children who perished.

Jazmine Fernández, mother of the children, and their grandmother identified as Norma Bonilla (57 years old) were injured in the fire.

Bonilla is originally from Trujillo. A family friend, who did not want to be identified, said they had plans to receive the New Year at Disney World. She said they had planned to go to Orlando on the morning of December 31, but the tragedy occurred.

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