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Disillusioned With Yiying’s Ideal? Netizens Listed 3 Facts To Persuade To “Think Clearly Before You Go”, which sparked heated discussion among netizens

Disillusioned With Yiying’s Ideal? Netizens Listed 3 Facts To Persuade To “Think Clearly Before You Go”, which sparked heated discussion among netizens

In recent years, immigration has become a common gossip topic and there are always different friends who leave for various reasons. It is good to be full of expectations for the future life, but when there is a gap between the ideal and the reality, will the immigrant be discouraged or want to return? Recently, a web user used the title “Few Facts You May Not Know” in the discussion forum and described 3 facts you should know before moving to the UK, advising you to think carefully before immigrating to the UK, the which sparked heated discussions among netizens

港 爸 的 帖 文 引來 不少 網友 熱烈 討論 , 分享 對 移民 英國 的 看法 以及 身邊 朋友 的 經驗。

Hong Kong Dad’s post sparked a lot of heated discussion among netizens, sharing their views on immigration to the UK and the experiences of friends around them.

Further information

A Hong Kong dad netizen posted at the top of the post stating the reason for the question: “If you’re not good at what people say, you can believe it. You have a good plan and you have the ability to deal with the new environment first. to decide to leave. “

1. Don’t be a working vacation

The Hong Kong father said he found that some young people could no longer keep their lives a year or two after emigrating to the UK. The reason is that it is difficult to find a job of your choice. “There are jobs you can’t find and you don’t want to be a warehouse, and you have a boring, friendless life.”

有 網友 則 認為 年青人 捱 不 住 而 回 港 不 羞恥 事 , , 可以 當 體驗 外國 生活。 樓主 卻 不 認同 表示 「working holiday 一 年 人生 經歷 , , 而 而 移民 移民 , 嚟 一 年 番 香港 係係 浪費 」指出 要 移 英 就 不要 抱著 Working holiday 的 心態。

Some netizens think it’s not a shame that young people return to Hong Kong because they can’t stand it and can experience life in a foreign country. The landlord disagreed with the statement that “a year’s working holiday is called life experience and family immigration is a waste of time in Hong Kong”. He stressed that if you want to move to the UK, you shouldn’t hold back the working holiday mentality.

2. It is advisable to understand the market before starting a business

After immigrating to Hong Kong, many people hope to rely on their craft to start a business in the area, but the Hong Kong dad said that

In fact, many people start out blindly without understanding the local market and living standards, especially catering and haircuts. “Most Brits eat three proud meals at noon.” He pointed out that most Brits are poor, “If you have money, you’d rather drink on Fridays and Saturdays, and you usually don’t want to eat, let alone 10 to 20 pounds for a haircut.” Some netizens also have shared the content of their conversations with hairdressers in the UK and Hong Kong, saying that starting a business in the UK is not as easy as imagined and there are a lot of expenses to calculate.

有 網民 質疑 港 爸 的 說法 , 但 他 解釋 道 是 指 當地 大 部份 上班族 的 生活 模式。

Some netizens questioned Hong Kong’s dad’s statement, but explained that it refers to the lifestyle of most of the local employees.

Meal Deal 可以 說 是 英國 「常 餐」 , 一般 以 三 文治 、 薯片 和 飲品 套餐 出售。

Meal Deal can be said to be a “normal meal” in the UK, usually sold in sandwiches, chips and drink packages.

3. No political enthusiasm as imagined

Many Hong Kong people may leave due to political factors, but in reality every family has a hard lesson to read. Hong Kong dad thinks Brits are too busy to take care of themselves and don’t expect locals to be willing to listen to them and share their views on Hong Kong politics.

對於 工作 收入 是否 足夠 有 網民 表示 視乎 個人 本身 對 生活 的 要求 , 因 人 而 宜。

Some netizens have argued that whether earned income is sufficient depends on the individual’s personal needs for life and is appropriate for each individual.

有關 生活 和 生存 的 想法 , 移民 後 的 人 感受 最深。

Ideas about life and survival are felt most deeply by those who have emigrated.

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