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“Disgusting bitch”: Black-Green agrees on explanation

After rather halfhearted apologies from Geisler and the explanation from his office that a “Luada” is an expression for Tyrol “A sluggish, stubborn person” and not necessarily negative to understand, the debate over the governor’s deputy continued for days. The climate between the Tyrolean ÖVP and the Landesgrünen also clouded over in the meantime. In the meantime, Geisler has personally and publicly apologized to environmental activist Götsch.

Verbose explanation

Now, after seven hours of deliberations, Schwarz-Grün have made the following statement, which we rely on Tyrolean daily newspaper make available as follows:

“1. The coalition partners are committed to all aspects of the government program ‘Resolute government. Secure Tyrol’s future. Government program for Tyrol 2018 – 2023 ‘.

2. For the coalition partners, there is no question that the statement by the governor’s representative, ÖR Josef Geisler, is an indisputable derailment. LH Deputy ÖR Geisler sees this mistake. Respectful and respectful treatment of all people is an indispensable part of the coalition’s work and should remain so.

3. Intensified efforts to further equality between women and men in all areas of life are of particular concern to the Tyrolean state government. The coalition partners recognize the current special urgency for women, equality and anti-discrimination and are committed to the particularly urgent implementation of these points of the government program over the next year. This is particularly important for the Green Tyrol, for which feminism is one of their basic values. The implementation steps are defined in the autumn exam.

4. For both coalition partners, nature conservation is an important concern, which is why it already occupies a large place in the government program. In the course of the economic program for 2021, nature conservation will be a focus.

5. All of the current efforts by the Tyrolean state government serve to cope with the current economic crisis, reduce unemployment and maintain social peace. This requires the full strength of the Tyrolean state government and therefore work is being carried out over the summer and an extensive regional, digital, sustainable and social economic stimulus package for 2021 is being presented for the government retreat in autumn.

WWF upset

The WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) environmental organization found this declaration unlikely. “Real consequences look different. That is definitely not the credible restart that Tyrol and nature conservation need,” said nature conservation division manager Christoph Walder. Instead of initiating fundamental reforms, the motto “continue as before” dominates. WWF demands on Tyrolean governor Günther Platter (ÖVP) are not reflected in the declaration.

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