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Discussions are extended for the new Health 21 CCT

The actors of the socio-health system of the canton of Neuchâtel have decided to postpone the deadline for denouncing the Health CCT from 21 to 30 September. Negotiations are continuing under the “good offices” of State Councilor Laurent Kurth, in charge of health.

Discussions for the new version of the collective labor agreement (CCT) have been going on for months in the canton of Neuchâtel, with the addition of the context of the Covid-19 pandemic (archives).


Discussions for the new version of the collective labor agreement (CCT) have been going on for months in the canton, with the addition of the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has called on the sector. This is why the validity of the text has been extended for one year during the 2020 financial year, recalls a press release published on Wednesday.

Despite “all the efforts made”, the representatives of the employees and the institutions did not manage to conclude the negotiations within the deadline set on 30 June. The date constitutes the period up to which the parties can denounce the CTC in force, for its expiry of December 31, 2021.

Major issue

The stake is major, according to the umbrella commission CCT Santé 21. The negotiations concern the working conditions of more than 6,500 people in the canton of Neuchâtel. The representatives therefore unanimously wished to postpone the termination period by three months, namely until September 30.

Laurent Kurth offered during the time to offer his “good offices” to facilitate the discussions. “It seems to me essential that the State gets involved in order to give every chance of success to the negotiations that the social partners have agreed to extend,” said the Minister of Health, quoted in the press release.

“The pandemic has clearly shown that being able to count on competent, motivated and available health personnel is fundamental for the well-being of the population as a whole,” added Laurent Kurth. “The definition of working conditions is obviously one of the key factors to achieve this.”

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