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Discovery of ‘Vampire Virus’ in Soil Samples Sparks Hope for Anti-Viral Resistance and Treatment Development

A team of American scientists recently discovered a “vampire virus” in soil samples for the first time. This virus can parasitize on the “necks” of other viruses and feed them. This is regarded as a great discovery in the scientific community and is said to be expected to promote anti-viral resistance. Treatment development.

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Attached to the “neck” of the virus for feeding and self-replication

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, unlike most self-replicating viruses, the scientific community has always known at a theoretical level that some viruses “prey” on other viruses. The University of Maryland, Baltimore, recently announced that this “vampire virus” was discovered in local soil for the first time.

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The report pointed out that this “vampire virus” can attach to the “neck” of other viruses to feed and replicate itself. The “vampire virus” initially spread through bacteriophages attaching to other soil. Its adsorption point is where the protein capsid of the soil virus connects to the tail of the virus, which is similar to the “neck” of the soil virus.

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Although researchers have known about the virus for decades, it is the first time it has been discovered on U.S. soil. “When I saw this, I was like, ‘I can’t believe it,'” said Tagide deCarvalho, a biologist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. “No one has ever seen a bacteriophage or other virus attached to another virus.”

The research team pointed out that this “vampire virus” may cause the host virus to enter a dormant state and kill viruses that infect crops and livestock. However, it may also kill “good viruses” that are of great benefit to the soil. At present, the team has invested in research, and “vampire virus” is expected to become the key to the development of antiviral therapies. The research results have recently been published in “Journal of the International Society for Microbial Ecology》。

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New virus appears | The first “vampire virus” appeared in the United States. The footage of the parasitic “neck” sucking was exposed. Experts admitted that they have never seen a use for it – Qingbao – Health – Other Diseases – D231110

New virus appears | The first “vampire virus” appeared in the United States. The footage of the parasitic “neck” sucking the virus was exposed. Experts admitted that they have never seen a use for it – Qingbao – Health – Other diseases

A team of American scientists recently discovered a “vampire virus” in soil samples for the first time. This virus can parasitize on the “necks” of other viruses and feed them. This is regarded as a great discovery in the scientific community and is said to be expected to promote anti-viral resistance. Treatment development.Also featured in the same scene: The doctor is delicious︳The knee and hip joints are damaged and it is difficult to walk

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health other diseases

health issues, united states, treatment, natural sciences, germs and viruses

health care, health issues, entity words, regions and regions, United States, health care, treatment, science, natural sciences, entity words, germs and viruses

Virus Vampire Soil Neck American Science Team Moore Campus University Barr Key Maryland Scenery Channel Entertainment Information Second Activity Results Foreign Media Therapy Doctor Methods International Microbial Ecology Expert Usage


New virus appears – first seen in the United States – vampire virus – parasitic species – neck – smoking footage exposed – experts admit they have never seen a use for Pan Yiyi

#virus #appears #vampire #virus #appeared #United #States #footage #parasitic #neck #sucking #virus #exposed #Experts #admitted #Qingbao #Health #diseases
2023-11-10 09:01:38

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