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Discovery of the oldest bee fossil, around 100 million years old – photo


21:41 02/17.2020(updated 21:46 02/17.2020) Short url


Sputnik France





A new species of insect has been discovered in amber, a fossil of bees that is 100 million years old, but has the features of modern bees.

A fossil some 100 million years old bee was found in a Burmese amber deposit by a scientist from the University of Oregon, whose discovery is announced by the journal BioOne.

Bee fossils are not uncommon, but most of them “come” from an era of 65 million years or less, recalls the monthly Sciences et Avenir. The new species has both primitive and modern traits.

Parasites like today

Thus, judging from the pollen grains that remained on its hairs, the insect was already palynivorous, that is to say that it was already collecting pollens. Today’s bees feed exclusively pollen, but they evolved from so-called apoid wasps which were carnivorous. It is not clear how the evolutionary transition between these two feeding modes took place.

In addition, the piece of petrified resin also contains larvae of triungulins that parasitize on bees today too.

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