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Discovery of Mammoth Baby Mummies in the Yukon, 30,000 Years Old

The discovery of a baby mammoth mummy adds to a series of ancient animal findings. In this discovery, the mammoth baby mummy is known to be 30,000 years old. At first the gold miners were working as they should, but accidentally found this ancient animal mummy.

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Chronology of the Discovery of the Mammoth Baby Mummies

Baby mammoth mummies don’t just appear out of nowhere. At first there was a gold miner who was digging. The mining was carried out near the river in the Yukon gold mining area, Klondike, south of Dawson City, Canada.

In the excavation, workers use special tools. But in the middle of mining, the tool accidentally hit something. When explored in more depth, it turns out that there is a mammoth mummy in the mud.

Characteristics of Baby Mammoths

When the discovery of the baby mammoth mummy, scientists then conducted research. The research revealed that the mammoth baby had distinctive characteristics.

The mammoth baby mummy measures 1.4 m. With this size, scientists analyze that this ancient animal mummy is female.

When he died, scientists also estimated that this mammoth baby mummy was only 1 year old. With such a young age, what actually caused this baby mammoth to die?

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Estimated Cause of Death

Scientists are very curious about why baby mammoths died. In the research that scientists have done, it is possible that the baby mammoth died because it was trapped in the mud.

Before getting stuck in the baby mud, the mammoth seemed to be eating. This is confirmed because there is food leftovers in the stomach. Because it got into the mud, that’s why it can’t digest its food properly.

Mammoth Baby Mummy Facts

Regarding this discovery, there are actually various facts that you need to know. One of them is from the location of its discovery.

It turns out that the mummified baby mammoth is in the permafrost. This area is a layer of frozen soil. Because of this, the baby mammoth mummy became one of the mummified animals of the ice age.

Launching Live Science, the discovery of the mummy this time was lucky for Grant Zazula. He is a paleontologist at the Department of Tourism and Culture of the Yukon Government.

Another fact is about his condition. This baby mammoth mummy was still intact when workers first found it. With these conditions, this baby mammoth got the name Nun cho ga. The name means big baby animal.

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Not the first time

You need to know that this discovery is not the first time. In 1948, a mammoth mummy was detected in a gold mining area.

The mammoth mummy is nicknamed Effie. But not in Canada, but in Alaska, United States. Although this is not the first time, scientists are very enthusiastic and eager to research it.

Basically, the discovery of a baby mammoth mummy can help scientists study ancient animals. Especially the fauna that lived in the ice age. (R10/HR-Online)

This post was last modified on Maret 12, 2023 2:04 AM

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