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Discovery of a Mysterious Ancient Human Skull in China Challenges Evolutionary History

Jakarta – A group of scientists found an ancient human skull in China. However, the shape of the skull was different from anything seen before.

Reported from detikINET citing ScienceAlert, these bones were found in Hualongdong, East Asia, in 2019. These skull bones are labeled as HLD 6.

The shape of the skull has a more elongated top and does not seem to resemble any other early human skulls that have been found in the past, including Neanderthals.

Scientists have been working to try to link ancient human skulls and bones to any of the known ancient human lineages. Unfortunately these efforts did not produce results.

In terms of facial structure, the skull is said to be similar to the modern human lineage, which is believed to have split from Homo erectus by 750,000 years ago. But that’s the only thing they have in common.

Early human skull Photo: Journal of Human Evolution

While the shape of this skull lacks a chin, it appears more similar to that of the Denisovans, an ancient hominin species that became extinct in Asia that split from Neanderthals more than 400,000 years ago.

Seeing this, researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in collaboration with researchers from China’s Xi’an Jiaotong University, England’s University of York, and Spain’s National Research Center said they had found a lineage. It is suggested that this skull is a cross between modern humans and other ancient hominims in the region, such as the Denisovans.

That conclusion could change as scientists find more fossils so they can learn more about bone structure.

Unfortunately, until now the skull does not match a certain bloodline. This makes scientists have to try harder to be able to say where to find this ancient human skull in the historical lineage of mankind.

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2023-08-20 13:30:45
#Ancient #Human #Skull #Chin #China #Species

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