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Discovery of a dead man in Verdal – police launch an investigation – NRK Trøndelag

Trøndelag police reported this on Twitter late Thursday evening.

The deceased was found around 10:30 pm and shortly thereafter the police were informed of the case. Death is usually characterized as suspicious.

The person was found outdoors.

– Due to the results of the site, we have launched an investigation and are working on several hypotheses. One of them is that the person in question could be exposed to something punishable, operations manager Wenche Johnsen in the Trøndelag police district tells NRK.

Investigate all night

The police have several on-site patrols and health care.

“Criminal technicians from the Trøndelag police district are arriving at the scene tonight,” says the operations manager.

He adds that the police will work on the scene all night.

Several streets in the area are closed.

The person was found near a residential building, but it is not the house where the deceased lived.

Johnsen will say nothing about the sex and age of the deceased or who reported the discovery.

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