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Discovery of 8 Billion Year Old Radio Signals with Astonishing Energy Levels

Astronomers have discovered eight billion year old radio signals containing high levels of energy.

According to Science magazine, “fast radio bursts” have been recorded as lasting only one millisecond.

The radio frequency electromagnetic radiation was identified as FRB 20220610A, and has a truly astonishing energy level, emitting the same amount as the Sun emits in 30 years.

like CNN According to reports, it is often difficult to determine the exact nature of the eruption, as it lasts for a short period of time.

However, they are thought to result from galaxies merging to form new stars.

In addition, they can also be “weighed” to measure the mass of elements in the universe that exist between galaxies and have not yet been counted.

Co-author Ryan Shannon said: “If we count the amount of natural matter in the universe – the atoms that make us all up – we find that more than half of the matter that should exist today is gone.


“We think the missing material is hiding in intergalactic space, but it may be so hot and diffuse that it is impossible to see using normal techniques.”

The large signal was discovered using Australia’s SKA Pathfinder radio telescope, before further observations were made using a telescope in China – which was able to determine that the fast radio burst was the oldest and most distant example ever discovered.

This happened after scientists were confused after discovering a mysterious object that sent radio waves every 21 minutes earlier this year.

The really strange thing is that it has been doing the same thing for 45 years and astronomers still aren’t sure what might be happening.

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2023-11-07 14:25:23
#Astronomers #discovered #radio #signals #billion #years

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