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Discovering the Fascinating ‘Cosmic Fountain’ Celestial Body: A Look into ALMA’s Observations

[SAPOD]Today’s “Space Image”. We introduce characteristic images introduced by sorae in the past, attractive images released by space agencies of various countries, and images submitted by space astronomy fans and experts. (There is a link to the original article at the end of the article)

(Source: sorae portal site to the universe)


Image Credit: Danielle Futselaar、artsource.nl
sorae – Short-lived celestial object “Cosmic Fountain” may be a binary star with a common outer layer, ALMA observation result

This was introduced by sorae in an article on January 29, 2022.“Cosmic fountain” celestial body” This is an imaginary drawing.

There are many binary stars consisting of two or more stars in the universe. When one of the stars in this binary evolves into a giant star, it is assumed that if another star is orbiting nearby, the two will become one. The thick layer of gas and dust surrounding the unified star is called the “common outer layer.”

Some celestial bodies with a common outer layer are called “cosmic fountain” objects. A “cosmic fountain” is a celestial body where masers (a radio wave version of a laser) emitted by water molecules are observed, and are thought to emit high-speed jets in both directions. In addition, the “cosmic fountain” is thought to be a celestial object that corresponds to the last period of less than 100 years of a star’s life.

The original article explains the possibility that a binary star consisting of stars with the mass of the Sun will always become a “cosmic fountain” object.

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