Home » today » News » Discover the weather forecast for this Tuesday afternoon in New York. | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Discover the weather forecast for this Tuesday afternoon in New York. | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

rafa: excellent berenicealways the hand of the communitysolving your needs. Ywe inform themabout the time today we haveexcessive heat. everybodyenjoying.they would look like ants, it ismany people sunbathing in thismoment I hope thisusing sunscreen andthat they have tunedneed extreme skies levelclear throughout the areatri-state. or early morning oftomorrow to much of themorning. southerly winds bringthese high temperatures and they goto keep wings north thatsomething elsestorms and we’ll see howunwrap the panorama tothe next24 to 48 hours. we have 89 to90 and we can get to 91 in thecity. the ultravioletgo extreme with over 85temperatures of which we pass thenineor 10:00 at night we cantalk about storms this verylate night north and west toconsequence of those windsthat kept theofnew jersey.still over 85 largelyof our area and triedto lower this rain towards himmetropolitan area after10 o’clockat 11:00 at night. totomorrow wednesday in differentmoments of the day with a morningthat starts clear but thenthe rain returns.so we will have a panoramaa little rougher andrainy for this Thursday.more stable conditionsfor the weekend. thetiny tonight isin the 73, for tomorrow 78.temperatures dropWednesday to Friday in the 80’s andthe weekend looks stablewith temperatures in the low80. Ythis is the code for me to placeon the phone mode fotograíedownload ourmobile application in a wayfree. inform yourself, have allthe information the time in thepalm of your hand withbreaking news.elian: there you are, rafa. mucismsThank you. and we invite you to

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