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Discover the Voie Verte de la Vigne by Bike Route in Hérault, Occitanie

The Cyclo Loop N°1 – Castries and the Plaine de Lunel offers a captivating immersion in the heart of Hérault, combining historical heritage, Mediterranean landscapes and oenological discoveries. This 42.4 km route invites you to explore a region rich in contrasts, where vineyards and scrubland coexist harmoniously.

An ideal region for cycle tourism

Occitanie, and more particularly the department of Hérault, turns out to be a true paradise for cycling enthusiasts. The mild Mediterranean climate allows cycling to be practiced almost all year round, with a preference for spring and autumn when the temperatures are the most pleasant. The diversity of landscapes, alternating between wine-growing plains, scrubland hills and picturesque villages, offers an exceptional setting for cyclists of all levels.

The region benefits from a network of greenways and well-maintained small roads, ideal for cycling in complete safety. The Cyclo Loop N°1 route is particularly suitable for families and beginner cyclists, thanks to its low altitude difference and the quality of its infrastructure.

Detailed route description

The Cyclo Loop N°1 – Castries and the Plaine de Lunel extends over 42.4 km, offering a varied route accessible to all. Here is an in-depth description of this enchanting itinerary:

Departure from Castries

The starting point is in the charming town of Castries, known for its imposing 17th century castle. Before getting on your bike, take the time to visit the Castries Castlean architectural gem surrounded by French gardens designed by Le Nôtre. This tour will immerse you in the history of the region and give you a taste of the wonders that await you along the way.

From Castries to Sussargues

Leave Castries towards Sussargues using small country roads. This first portion of the journey takes you through a typically Mediterranean landscape, punctuated with olive trees and vineyards as far as the eye can see. The air is perfumed with the scents of thyme and rosemary which grow in abundance in the surrounding scrubland. Take the time to observe the subtle changes in the vegetation over the miles.

From Sussargues to Saint-Geniès-des-Mourgues

Continue your journey towards Saint-Geniès-des-Mourgues, a picturesque village nestled in the heart of the vineyards. This section offers magnificent panoramas of the surrounding hills. Stop in the village to admire its Romanesque church and its medieval streets. This is the perfect opportunity for a coffee break and to taste local specialties in one of the cafés on the village square.

From Saint-Geniès-des-Mourgues to Lunel

The road then takes you through the Lunel plain, an area renowned for its wines. The vineyards stretch as far as the eye can see, offering a changing spectacle with the seasons. In spring, the young green shoots contrast with the ocher earth. In autumn, it’s an explosion of color with the vine leaves turning red and gold. As you approach Lunel, you will see the ruins of theLunel Abbeytestimony to the rich history of the region.

Break in Lunel

Lunel deserves an extended break. This city steeped in history is home to many architectural treasures. Be sure to visit the Prison Tower museum, a medieval building which offers a breathtaking view of the city and the surrounding area. For food lovers, a stop at The River House is required. This restaurant offers tasty local cuisine, perfect for regaining strength before the rest of the course.

From Lunel to Saint-Christol

Leaving Lunel, you enter the wine-growing heart of the region. The road winds between vineyards, offering spectacular views of the perfectly aligned rows of vines. In Saint-Christol, take a detour via the Viavino wine tourism center. This unique place offers local wine tastings and workshops to discover the secrets of Mediterranean viticulture.

Return to Castries

The last portion of the circuit takes you back to Castries. Take advantage of these last kilometers to admire the varied landscapes of Hérault one last time. The slight difference in altitude of this stage allows the route to be completed gently, leaving time to appreciate the views of the scrubland and the villages perched in the distance.

To download the GPX track of this route, go to the Hérault Tourism.

An experienced cyclist says: “This loop offers a perfect introduction to the region. The landscapes are varied, the roads are well maintained, and the villages crossed are all invitations to discovery. It is an ideal route for families or cyclists wanting a day of cycling without major difficulty. »

Practical advice to fully enjoy the route

  • Leave early in the morning to enjoy the freshness, especially in summer.
  • Bring enough water and energy snacks.
  • Don’t hesitate to take frequent breaks to visit the villages and taste local products.

For more information on safety and recommended equipment, see our guide: Safety and recommended equipment for an easy bike ride.

In-depth discovery of the region

Culture and heritage

Hérault is a land of history and culture. Along your route, you will come across many vestiges of the past, from prehistoric dolmens to medieval castles. The Château de Castries, the starting point of your itinerary, is a remarkable example of Grand Siècle architecture. Its gardens, designed by André Le Nôtre, Louis XIV’s gardener, are a true masterpiece of French landscape art.

Local gastronomy

Hérault cuisine is a festival of Mediterranean flavors. Don’t miss out on tasting the famous tielle Sétoise, a pie made with octopus, or pélardons, an AOP goat’s cheese. The vineyards you will pass through produce renowned wines, notably the Coteaux du Languedoc and the Muscats de Lunel. Take advantage of your visit to Saint-Christol for a tasting at the Viavino wine tourism center, where you can discover all the richness of the local terroirs.

Fauna and flora

The biodiversity of Hérault is exceptional. In the scrubland, you will be able to observe flora adapted to the Mediterranean climate: holm oaks, cistus, lavender and wild thyme. With a bit of luck, you might spot an ocellated lizard basking in the sun or a Bonelli’s eagle soaring above the hills. The wetlands near Lunel are also home to a rich birdlife, delighting bird watchers.

Anecdotes locales

Did you know that Lunel was once nicknamed “Little Jerusalem” because of its large Jewish community in the Middle Ages? The city was a major intellectual center, attracting scholars from across Europe. This multicultural history is still reflected today in local architecture and traditions.


The Cyclo Loop N°1 – Castries and the Plaine de Lunel offers a complete cycle tourism experience, combining sport, culture and gastronomy. This 42.4 km route allows you to discover the multiple facets of Hérault at a pleasant pace, ideal for families and cyclists of all levels. So, are you ready to get on your bike and explore this magnificent region?

Cycle tourism is much more than just a leisure activity, it is a way of traveling that allows total immersion in the landscapes and local culture. By pedaling through Hérault, you are not only visiting the region, you are experiencing it fully, at the slow and respectful pace of cycling. It is an invitation to slow down, observe, smell and taste all that this generous territory has to offer.

I am Thibault, passionate about cycling since my childhood and a fan of the Tour de France. As an amateur editor for “Grand Est Cyclisme”, I share with you my discoveries and advice on two wheels, always with the same passion.

Discover the Voie Verte de la Vigne by Bike Route in Hérault, OccitanieThe latest articles by Thibault (see all)

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