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“Discover the Undersea Secrets with ‘Labyrinth of the World Tree I/II/III HD Remastered’ for Nintendo Switch and Steam”

Software for Nintendo Switch and Steam released on Thursday, June 1, 2023 “Sekaiju no Labyrinth I/II/III HD Remaster’. This work is “world tree labyrinth』、『Etrian Odyssey II Holy Grail of Kings』、『Labyrinth of the World Tree III Visitor of the Sea of ​​Stars]is a remastered version that is gathered in one.

The author isPersona]Series collaboration work “Persona Q』、『Persona Q2, but I’ve never touched the “Labyrinth of the World Tree” series, and I’ve been curious about it for a long time. When the release of the remastered version was announced, I was enthusiastic to buy it and play it!

 What is this cute girl?

Twin tails, a color scheme that uses plenty of pastel colors, an expression that makes you look like a fool, a weapon that is taller than you, the attribute of a princess, everything is cute. I definitely think I’m cute. I fell in love with this girl at first sight, and suddenly I was looking forward to playing it.

From the recorded works, I was able to play “World Tree Labyrinth III: The Visitor of the Sea of ​​Stars” in which this prince/princess is implemented, so I would like to introduce the author who is a beginner of the “World Tree Labyrinth” series. We will deliver.

* The product version may have different specifications.
*All of the images in this article, with the exception of some, were taken with the Nintendo Switch version.
*This article is courtesy of Atlus.

Click here to purchase Switch “Labyrinth of the World Tree I・II・III HD REMASTER” (Amazon.co.jp)

A tale of undersea labyrinth adventures where you realize you weren’t protecting your grandfather and grandmother

The “Labyrinth of the World Tree” series is a robust RPG where you can conquer dungeons divided into many levels. It was characterized by its high degree of difficulty and the ability to draw a dungeon map using the DS or 3DS touch panel.

The “Labyrinth of the World Tree III: Visitor of the Sea of ​​Stars”, which I played in advance, has all new occupations from the previous two works, and is set in a seaside town. Was it because I was looking forward to playing too much? The body automatically chose “EXPERT”, the highest difficulty. This is because the editor in charge yelled at me, “You wouldn’t choose anything other than EXPERT, right?” Oni?

At first, I thought this “EXPERT” was “a severe mode for hardcore fans where a single button can decide whether you live or die.” There are many cases where a hard mode for fans is implemented in the remastered version, but in the case of this work, it is worth it to implement the difficulty of the original version, so it is that difficult. I was stunned.

A friend who has played the “Labyrinth of the World Tree” series told me that it was “difficult”, but when I actually saw it in front of me, I gradually realized it. Alright, let’s go!

Do! Wow!

Destiny party member selection

I can’t say it’s the last time all of a sudden, so I’ll explain it in order. First, gather your party members. Go to the Adventurer’s Guild.

Up to 30 adventurers can be registered in the guild, from which up to 5 party members can be selected. The tutorial recommended a 5-person party, so I followed the advice and chose up to 5 people. From there, choose one from 12 types of occupations and 10 types of appearances (including another color) for each occupation.

It’s hard to decide which profession to include in the party, but the most annoying thing for me personally was the choice of visuals. When creating these characters, I took them pretty seriously because of the background and story building qualities. Visuals are good for any profession.

One was decided by haste. Prince. As I said at the beginning, she fell in love at first sight. Her name is Princess-chan. Although her occupation is Prince.With such a cute look, her name isPrincessbut the professionPrinceis.Eh, it’s a boy.

There are also strategic reasons. This prince/princess is a buffer specializing in support (a character whose role is to apply buffs), but my friend often complains, “I don’t understand anything about people who make fools of buffers in RPGs.” I thought it would be necessary for the party.

Even in light novels that banish parties, the brave party often suffers because they let go of their excellent buffers, and this is surely true.

The second one chooses pirates because the stage is a town by the sea. excuse me. Speaking honestly, I was drawn to her sister’s sexy outfit. I’m a woman, but I’m obsessed with lower breasts. Lower milk cross review 40 points, perfect score.

Pirates are special pursuit types. It specializes in follow-up attacks that match the attacks of its allies.

Next, I wanted the main heating power, so I chose a barista. She was attracted to patsun bangs and goggles. She also likes small children wielding big weapons. She also likes projectiles such as bows and guns. She has other main firepower occupations such as Warrior, but it’s natural to choose this girl because she has all the elements I like.

Well, there are two people left… I was worried about that. There are two frames left. But I absolutely wanted a healer, so a recovery-specialized monk is a must. So, effectively, there is only one frame left.

And I found it.

 Grandpa (Monk) and Grandma (Farmer)of.

I found Grandpa in Monk’s avatar first, and then there was Grandma’s avatar in Former, so I can only think of these two for the remaining two slots.

Farmer’s description says, “It’s useful for exploring the Sea of ​​Trees, but it won’t be a force at all, so be prepared.” Because grandma’s wisdom bag is great. Difficulty “EXPERT” though.

While carefully enclosing this grandfather and grandmother, I will explore every corner of the dungeon in a party like grandparents and grandchildren.

Let’s explore the sea of ​​trees!Each battle is severe

Before I set off on my adventure, the Senate Grandmother asked me to fill in the one-floor map. This map making is one of the real thrills of the “Labyrinth of the World Tree” series.

“Labyrinth of the World Tree” is a labyrinth in the forest, “Labyrinth of the World II: Holy Grail of the Kings” is a labyrinth in search of a flying castle, and “Labyrinth of the World Tree III: Visitors of the Sea of ​​Stars” is an undersea labyrinth. Explore and explore the themes like land, sea, and air.

In the labyrinth, the path the adventurer walks is marked on the map. Add walls, loopholes, treasure chests, doors, stairs, etc. to create a map that is easy for you to see.

In this remastered version, an auto map function has been added, and floors and walls are automatically described when you walk. Of course, as before, you can also change the settings and write on your own.

The work of completing this map is irresistible. You can feel a great sense of accomplishment. The SE that draws the line is also good, and it feels great to gradually fill in the information.thisMaking maps is so much fun. In the Nintendo Switch version, you can write maps using the touch panel in addition to button operations. The feeling of writing directly on paper is irresistible.

The main content of the “Labyrinth of the World Tree” series is surely map making. That’s right, series fans!

Now that you’ve mastered mapping with a group of friends who are too unique, let’s start exploring the labyrinth.

The rear-guard barista is in the vanguard to protect the grandfather and grandmother.

You can also encounter monsters in the dungeon. This monster is very annoying.

By the time you think, “I’m worried about my HP and TP, I should go back to town,” it may already be too late. The more steps you take in the labyrinth, the more likely you are to encounter enemies, and you have to factor in the battle on your way back. If you misjudge the timing to return to the city and get carried away and continue exploring…

 It will be annihilated soon.

How many times have I been annihilated in front of the stairs leading to the city! “Wow~ Don’t come across me now~!” I’m sorry, old man, old woman… I said I would protect you…

If you are wiped out, the amount of exploration, such as belongings and experience points, will be lost, and it will return to the state before saving. However, the part of the map that you walked remains as data. Don’t worry, you don’t have to rewrite the map from scratch.

A slightly stronger enemy appears on each floor, but in the battle in the first sight state, it is usually sunk with one punch. I’m scared of lynx. This cat has made me cry many times.

Well, while being beaten up by many lynxes, I crossed the 1st floor and entered the 2nd floor. Just as I was thinking of going back, I heard some disturbing rumors. It seems that the lynx has a strong and dangerous enemy that makes cats look cute.

An enemy so strong that if you encounter it, you have no choice but to run away.F.O.E(Field On Enemy). This FOE is roaming the passage on the 2nd floor in the direction of travel, and it is unlikely that you will be able to pass through if you do not find the right timing.

But that’s… isn’t it troublesome? Don’t you hate exploring while frightened by FOE? Having said that, I’m a little worried. Even if you want to fight, it can’t be helped. Because you’re an adventurer.

It was impossible! No, I thought so! It’s not that the attack doesn’t go through at all, but it’s also a shame that it makes you think, “Maybe you can do it?”

Even though I was in a good place… I was almost able to return… Will the day come when I can defeat FOE?

“We were protected by the old man and the old woman…”

I vowed to fight while protecting my grandfather and grandmother and set off on an adventure.I was always helped by my grandfather and grandmother.

Grandfather is a monk, so he can recover the HP of his allies with his skills. In a dungeon full of powerful enemies, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that without Grandpa, it would be impossible to fight.

As for the grandmother, as I explained, she doesn’t have a glorious play in battle, but she can gain a lot of experience points with her unique skills, can gather, and can make friends who can’t fight if she camps. You can be revived on the spot. This really helps.

In addition, the grandpa and grandma are very active in the occasional events along the way!

I was able to avoid being attacked by monsters in the future thanks to my grandfather stopping me from trying to get the snake out of the bush. As for the old lady, when I was about to touch a beautiful flower, she stopped my hand and told me, “There is poison in that flower.” Chi, wisdom bag ~~~~~~! ! ! !

Grandpa, Grandma, thank you for protecting me.

Nautical mode

In “Labyrinth of the World Tree III: Visitors of the Sea of ​​Stars”, in addition to exploring dungeons, you can also go out to the ocean and go on a voyage. In the sea, you can operate the ship to expand the sea area, trigger events, and if you fish, the fish will become cash items.

Although I was not able to experience it in the advance play, there is also an online element called “Grand Voyage Quest” in this port. Multiplayer with up to 5 players is possible using internet or local communication. You can enjoy battles like raid battles with powerful bosses.

Play with keyboard and mouse on Steam version. Mapping with a mouse is super comfortable!

This time, I played the Steam version of “Labyrinth of the World Tree III: The Visitor of the Sea of ​​Stars” in advance. What I felt after playing both the Nintendo Switch version,“You can play crisply without stress even with keyboard and mouse operation”That means.

*This is an image of the Steam version.

During the dungeon capture, you can touch the keyboard with your left hand, walk around with WASD, and use the mouse with your right hand to draw a map. Also, the left mouse click for decision and right click for cancellation is quick and helpful for accessing various commands.

The Real Enemy of “EXPERT” Was Poverty, Not the Monsters

What I thought after playing “EXPERT” was, of course, fighting with enemies,“Anyway, it is difficult to manage funds”about it. If you run out of HP and TP in the early stages of the dungeon and return and stay at the inn, you’ll run out of money in no time.

At Arman’s Inn, you can heal, save, and use the item depository.

As the level increases, the cost of lodging will increase, so I want to proceed to the lower floors and pick up good items for cash flow. However, you can’t fight without armor and weapons, so you have to invest in that as well. While this dilemma haunted me for a long time, there were times when I would become stark and poor if I let my guard down.

The flapping butterfly quest is an excellent way to raise funds while adventuring.

Sell ​​unnecessary equipment and items at Napier Company to add funds.

At the end, he saw the material dropped by the monster and muttered “Fufu … money …”. In the product version, I would like to spend more money wisely. I want to feed my grandfather and grandmother good food…

When I actually started playing the “EXPERT” difficulty level, I was worried that I might get stuck in earnest, but I enjoyed it as a fairly robust RPG. If you are uneasy, of course, there are easy difficulty levels such as “PICNIC” and “BASIC” so you can rest assured. You can change the difficulty at any time when you return to the city, and first try hell with “EXPERT”.

Also, for fans of the series, not only have the graphics and system been updated, but online elements have also been added, so it should be a brand new work while feeling nostalgic. If you are interested in the “Labyrinth of the World Tree” series like the author but haven’t been able to get your hands on it, please take this opportunity to play “Labyrinth of the World Tree I/II/III HD Remastered”. How do you like it?

If you don’t mind, have a grandpa and grandma at your party.

Commodity Information

Click here to purchase “Labyrinth of the World Tree I/II/III HD Remaster” (Switch) (Amazon.co.jp)

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