Wiesbaden. The Rhein-Main area is a stronghold of film locations in Hesse. Many of the cinema and television productions funded by “Hessen Film & Medien GmbH” are filmed in the metropolitan region. Specifically, almost half of all shooting days since the beginning of 2016 have been in the Rhine-Main region, followed by North Hesse (24 percent), Central Hesse (15 percent), South Hesse (9 percent) and East Hesse (3 percent). This emerges from the response of Art Minister Angela Dorn (Greens) to a request from the SPD parliamentary group.
According to the information, 2646 days of shooting between January 2016 and March 2023 were taken into account Frankfurt was ahead with 772 shooting days, followed by Kassel, Baunatal and Vellmar with a total of 634 days flown from the state capital of Wiesbaden (238).
In addition to the shooting days, so-called animation days were also recorded. These do not take place at any real film location, rather this location is partially or completely created by trick or digital technology, it said. These included animated films, the production of visual effects, digital image processing or so-called blue, green, LED screen recordings. In total, “Hessen Film & Medien GmbH” has counted more than 3200 animation days since the beginning of 2016, with northern Hesse (2022) clearly ahead, followed by the Rhine-Main region (1082) and southern Hesse (100).
The state of Hesse, with a 90 percent stake, and the Hessian Broadcasting Corporation (10 percent) are shareholders in “Hessen Film & Medien GmbH”. According to her own statements, she is “the first point of contact” in matters of film funding in the federal state and has the task of strengthening the regional film and media industry.
The Hessian state government has set itself the goal of offering one of the most progressive film subsidies in all of Germany, explained Minister Dorn. “This includes artistic daring, the promotion of young talent, diversity, social and ecological sustainability and transparent structures.” (dpa)
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