Al-Marsad Newspaper: The gastroenterologist, Sergey Fialov, revealed the beneficial properties that the nettle plant gives to the human body.
According to Dr. Fialov, “Vitamin “K” adds value to edible herbs. When we talk about nettles, we find that every 100 grams of it contains up to 500 micrograms of this substance.” According to “RIA Novosti”.
The doctor said: “Vitamin K is an important element for health, as it contributes to the process of blood clotting, strengthening bones, and combating atherosclerosis and diabetes.”
He pointed out that vitamin “K” can reduce the risk of cancer, however, the expert warned against the need to use it moderately, as large amounts of the vitamin can sometimes lead to blood clots and bleeding, pointing out that the recommended dose is 50 mg. to 100 micrograms per day.
Fialov added, “The nettle plant is rich in iron, calcium and magnesium, and nettle soup can help improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and reduce inflammation. It can also control blood cholesterol levels, which is very important for preventing cardiovascular disease.”
2023-07-02 10:35:06
#doctor #reveals #plant #protects #cancer #diabetes #atherosclerosis #Marsad #Newspaper