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Discover the Facts About an Increase in Temperature Between Friday and Monday’s Weather – The Seventh Day.

Dr. Muhammad Ali Fahim, head of the Climate Information Center, said that some fluctuations are expected during the next week, from Friday to Tuesday, in the form of a rise in temperatures.

In the following report, we monitor the features of the weather during the wave of weather fluctuations

1A rise in daytime temperatures reaching high values, marking the entry into the early summer clicks from Friday to Monday .

2Strong gusts of southerly winds may be laden with sand and dust, “Saturday and Sunday “.

3Scattered, light to medium rains in the northern coast, northern delta, Sinai, canal cities, and sometimes some areas of Lower Egypt and Cairo. .

4It is forbidden to irrigate “late” wheat during at least Friday – Saturday – Sunday – Monday.

5Careful follow-up of updates for summer potato growers to set the date of take-off away from rain, as well as cumin sawmills in Lower Egypt .

6Preserving mango and olive trees from the expected hot winds, especially on Sunday .

7Conducting saturated irrigation for all crops, starting from Friday, “vegetables – fruits – newly cultivated summer crops “.

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