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Discover the Amount of Time Your Kids are Watching YouTube and Receive Alerts for Overuse

YouTube is one of the best free entertainment platforms that you can access from your mobile or tablet, and like Instagram and other apps, it has a section from which you can watch the time you spend a day already a week on the platform.

[Activa esta novedad en YouTube para Android y cambia la manera en la que ves los vídeos]

In addition to the fact that knowing this information, out of curiosity, is always good, it will also allow you to put a stop to it if you consider that it is too much time that you are losing time on the platform.

You will be able to put several types of notices, and even customize the time after which they are activated, something ideal to try to be more productive and avoid spending a lot of time in the app on the same day.

See how much time you spend on YouTube

Viewing on YouTube

The Free Android

YouTube has a section dedicated to the time of use, in which you will see a record of the hours you have been on the platform today and the previous 7 days. To access, follow these steps:

  • Open YouTube and tap on your profile picture.
  • Click on Your usage time.

You should bear in mind that if you get to this section, but you do not see activity on YouTube despite the fact that you have watched some videos recently, it is most likely that you do not have the reproduction history activated.

Turn on time restrictions

Time Reminder on YouTube

Time Reminder on YouTube

The Free Android

If you want to set a limit for YouTube to notify you when you spend more than a certain time playing videos, all you have to do is click on the first option below the graph.

When you exceed that time on YouTube in less than a day, the application will send you a notification to let you know that you’ve been using the platform for a long time, although it won’t force you to leave it if you don’t want to.

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