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Discover the Amazon van Java River in West Java, Similar to the Amazon River with Tertiary Period Remains

MalangNetwork.com – The Amazon is a river in America and one of the longest in the world after the Nile River.

However, did you know? In West Java, it turns out there is a river nicknamed “Amazon van Java”.

The reason is, this river, which is located in the interior of West Java, has a uniqueness that makes it said to be similar to the Amazon River.

In this river there are rock remains originating from the Tertiary civilization.

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For your information, Tertiary civilization is a phase marked by the appearance of mammals and primates on the face of the earth.

This phase is estimated to have occurred around 60 million years ago. It was during this era that giant reptiles began to become extinct.

The surrounding conditions are very beautiful. This is influenced by the fact that it is located in the interior of the West Java forest.

The river in West Java which is nicknamed the Amazon van Java is called the Cimedang River, which divides Pangandaran and Tasikmalaya.

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The distance from the city of Tasikmalaya to the Cimedang River is around 68 km or around 2 hours by vehicle.

Quoted MalangNetwork.com from Agung Mulyana’s YouTube channel, the upstream of the Cimedang River originates from Mount Bongkok which flows 70 km.

Now, the existence of the Cimedang River has become a magnet for travelers.

Especially with the presence of limestone, breccia and tuff originating from the Tertiary Period.

2024-02-14 06:52:00
#Surrounded #Unique #Rocks #River #West #Java #Nicknamed #Amazon #Van #Java #Heritage #Tertiary #Era #Malang #Network #Malang #Network

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