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Discover that manuka honey can fight breast cancer

Manuka, also known as the tea tree (Leptospermum scoparium) It is a shrub from the arid coasts of Oceania.It is distributed in the east of the North Island and the South Island of New Zealand, and in Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales in Australia.

It has been known for some time that the honey produced from its flower has specific antibacterial qualities which make it a valuable product, for example, to treat wounds.

The most important antibacterial component that manuka honey has is the metilglioxal (MGO)which unlike other honeys, has a high percentage of it.

Methylglyoxal has proven to be very effective in combating wounds, skin infections, burns and allergies. Some research even claims that this honey reduces cholesterol and helps treat diabetes. and improves sleep, among other potential benefits.

Therefore, scientists continue to conduct research to explore What other benefits can this honey provide?

Maluka flower. Maluka honey has been shown to have many healing properties, ranging from burns and allergies to cholesterol and diabetes. Now, scientists believe it could also help in the treatment of a specific type of breast cancer.

And one of these studies was led by researchers at the Center UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Oncology.

Los scientists of this center They discovered that manuka honey could potentially be an alternative and natural option for the prevention and treatment of breast cancerparticularly for estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer, the most common subtype of breast cancer and which represents about 70-80% of all cases of this cancer.

In several preclinical experiments, researchers found that Manuka honey significantly reduced tumor growth in mice with ER-positive breast cancer cells by 84% without affecting normal breast cells or causing significant side effects.

Furthermore, they found that the higher the concentrations of manuka honey, the greater the reduction in cancer cell growth.

According to the study, published in the magazine Nutrients, Manuka honey reduced levels of signaling pathways that are upregulated in cancer, such as AMPK/AKT/mTOR and STAT3, that are involved in the growth and survival of tumor cells.

One of the most encouraging findings is that Manuka honey reduced cancer cell proliferation but did not affect the growth of normal human mammary epithelial cellsindicating that it could specifically attack cancer cells.

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According to researchers, manuka honey improves the effectiveness of existing treatments such as tamoxifenan anti-estrogen drug commonly used in the therapy of ER-positive breast cancer, when used together.

To understand the potential of manuka honey as a natural treatment for breast cancer, The research team conducted a series of experiments in mice and in ER-positive MCF-7 and triple-negative MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lines.which represent two of the most common types of breast cancer.

In these models, Oral administration of manuka honey resulted in a significant reduction in tumor growth compared to control groups. This significant inhibition of tumor progression underscores the potential efficacy of honey as a treatment for the prevention or treatment of cancer.

According to researchers, There is an urgent need for alternative treatments to help prevent the development of endocrine resistance. and improve long-term survival from breast cancer.

Endocrine resistance, the researchers explained, It is a major factor contributing to breast cancer being the leading cause of cancer-related death among women worldwide.

The study was initiated under the belief that it has long been known about the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of this honeyin addition to being rich in compounds such as flavonoids, phytochemicals, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

These compounds have demonstrated anticancer potential at the molecular level by inhibiting pathways activated in cancer that induce proliferationthe growth and metastasis of tumor cells. Researchers theorize that one of Manuka honey’s mechanisms of action is to block estrogen receptors, making it potentially effective as a nutraceutical against hormone-sensitive breast cancer.

The researchers concluded that Manuka honey could potentially become a natural supplement or even a stand-alone treatment for ER-positive breast cancer.particularly for patients who experience resistance to traditional therapies.

“The findings provide hope for the development of a natural alternative and less toxic than traditional chemotherapy,” said in a statement the first author of the study, Dr. Diana Marquez-Garbanassociate professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

Howeverwas very emphatic in pointing out that more research is needed to fully understand the benefits of natural compounds in cancer therapy.

“This study, he said, establishes a solid foundation for further exploration in this area”.

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