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Discover “Mona Lisa”, the most famous painting in the world

Sharjah: Maha Adel

“Mona Lisa” is a 16th-century half-length painting of a woman believed to be Lisa Giocondo, by Italian artist, architect, and sculptor Leonardo da Vinci, who painted it during the Italian Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci finished it with oil paint and black poplar wood paneling. This painting is owned by the French government, as it hangs on the wall of the Louvre Museum, behind a bulletproof glass panel, in an air-conditioned environment. Due to the value and importance of this painting in the history of art in the world, this painting has been described as “the most famous work of art in the history of art and the most artistic work written about, we sing and we visit. It has also been described as “the most simulated work of art”. Cynical to the world.

Today the Mona Lisa is the most famous work of art in the world. Where the number of its visitors reaches six million visitors during a year (80% of visitors to the Louvre Museum), but Mona Lisa did not enjoy this fame until the beginning of the 20th century; At the time it was just one of many highly regarded paintings. With the beginning of the 19th century, Da Vinci began to be praised and believed to be a genius, then the fame of the Mona Lisa began to grow gradually in the early to mid-19th century. The reason for her fame is due to several reasons, the most important of which is her smile, which is described as mysterious and vague. Where many people, such as Sigmund Freud, Harvard University professors, and countless audiences were baffled, beyond that, his use of the drawing method with one-point perspective in the background, and in addition to the composition technique of this painting in general, although the confirmed and accurate facts about the painting are few, but according to Vasari’s biography of Leonardo, it is stated that da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa when Francesco del Giocondo, a wealthy Florentine silk merchant, gave him the task to paint his wife Lisa Giocondo in 1503 during the Italian Renaissance.

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