Very young, Lucie Galante and Nathalie Souvras were already “fascinated” by the world of sign language, to the point of wanting to learn it in middle or high school, then at university: “It is a language of truth, we can’t lie. It’s beautiful, lively, sincere and so elegant,” explain the two entrepreneurs. They appreciate this totally bodily language which involves the whole body even the face and wanted to “do something useful for audiences who need to communicate better and make sign language accessible to all. “.
Six months ago they created “Je m’iniSigne” *, a company for initiation and awareness of French sign language (LSF) and since then, their clientele comes from all over the world: medical students, pharmacists, wise people. -women, bank staff, reception staff, social professions, teachers, first aiders, florists, bakers, parents of students in establishments which welcome deaf children, etc.
Learning a new language is within everyone’s reach.
With around twenty years of experience, however, they are neither interpreters nor specialist teachers. They offer 2-hour or one-day workshops and courses, for tailor-made interventions. “We want to provide a first approach to starting a simple conversation in LSF. If people wish to go further in advanced learning, they know how to direct them towards partner structures. »
With Je m’iniSigne, you learn, in 30 hours, how to say hello, thank you, ask practical questions, respond to requests, get to know each other, interact, play, etc. If they chose Bron to set up, it is because there is a large deaf community in this city around the Pablo-Picasso middle school and the Jean-Paul-Sartre high school which welcome young people in this situation. According to Lucie and Nathalie: “it is not the disabled person who must integrate, but the whole of society which must be able to include itself in the world of disability. Learning a new language is within everyone’s reach. We note that initiatives often come from citizens, we listen to them. »
Looking for premises that can accommodate their business and their training, in the meantime, they organize workshops at the Maison des Essarts or in groups that request them*.
* I miniSigne, 15 rue de Solesmes 69500 Bron. Telephone: 09 84 44 37 06/16 10 46 54 68. Email: [email protected] I’iniSigne is on social networks.
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