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Discover how one of the greatest rivalries on the planet began: Coca-Cola x Pepsi

The war between the giants Coke And Pepsi it is not new, and still divides public opinion and that of the market. This is one of the greatest rivalries the world has ever heard of. Though they are so similar in taste to cola, they also have minor differences from each other.

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Or rich flavor dAnd caramel with notes of vanilla, lower leg and citrus belongs to both. Meanwhile, fans of each of these soft drinks are eternally arguing on social media about which brand is better.

Soft drinks are only 12 years apart from their inception, say, on the market. While Coca Cola was launched in 1886, Pepsi followed shortly after in 1898.

Initially, the two brands were not direct competitors. According to Insider, the rivalry between them has been around since 1975, almost a century after both of them were created. Better understand war between Pepsi and Coca Cola.

Find out how one of the greatest rivalries on the planet began

Coca Cola has always been a resounding success, with successful advertising campaigns, and ended up falling into the taste of the American people. Meanwhile, Pepsi wasn’t doing very well, and in the 1930s, the company went bankrupt.

According to the Northeast News, in 1975, Pepsi launched an advertising campaign, Pepsi Challenge, in a direct attack on Coca Cola. In the commercial, from a blind test, consumers end up preferring Pepsi to Coca Cola, without knowing which of the two drinks they were drinking. From this episode the fans of each brand began to divide and thus the rivalry was born.

Who is the winner of this war?

Following the success of Pepsi’s advertising campaign, Coke introduced Diet Coke in 1982, which quickly became the most popular diet soda on the planet, according to CBS News. Sometime later, in 2010, Diet Coke replaced Pepsi as the second most popular soft drink, and because of this, people started to believe that Pepsi would lose the war, as featured in the Wall Street Journal.

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