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Discover his secret garden, his immense fortune, his sublime villa and his life as a gypsy …

Since his victory in The Voice in 2014, Kendji Girac’s life changed dramatically, to say the least. He has become one of the most famous singers in France and earns a very good living. Objeko’s editorial staff decided to tell you more about his heritage and what he did with it. Let’s go.

Kendji Girac highest paid artist in 2021

Since the pandemic, singers can not give concerts, however, Kendji Girac continues his magnificent progress. Indeed, he has widely dominated the ranking of “highest paid singers in 2021” with estimated revenues of nearly 82 million euros. But how is this possible? Well we’ll tell you. To establish its ranking, the magazine People With Money obviously takes direct income into account, but not only that. It also takes into account income from advertising partnerships, royalties and any other investment. And when we do the count, we realize that it weighs a lot.

So, what we can tell you is that Kendji Girac would weigh nearly 245 million euros. In addition to his money earned thanks to his singing career, he owes his fortune to judicious stock market investments, substantial real estate assets and the very lucrative advertising contract with cosmetics. CoverGirl. But that’s not all, the young man also owns several restaurants in Paris (including the Chez l’gros Kendji chain), a football club in Périgueux and a clothing line for teenagers. It also has a scent “Water of Kendji”. Not bad isn’t it?

A house in the Dordogne

With all of his earnings, Kendji Girac was able to have fun. He bought himself a house in 2016. Indeed, according to our colleagues from France Blue Perigord, the young man owns a large house of 160 square meters in the Dordogne. According to information from our colleagues, however, the house is not intended for the singer himself, but rather for his family. On the other hand, he did not however refrain from coming for a walk on his land. That’s why he decided to set up a recording studio there.

Unlike other celebrities who live in big and beautiful houses, Kendji Girac, he does not forget where he comes from. Indeed, from what we know, it is that he has never abandoned his caravan and even if he has become one of the most emblematic singers of France. He therefore goes on between his house in Périgueux and his caravan: “Sometimes I sleep in the house, sometimes in the trailer, it’s a refuge in which I feel good, and I love to hear the sound of the rain rocking me”.

Kendji Girac, this gift he will never give himself so as not to disappoint his audience

To protect his family, but also out of respect for his listeners, Kendji Girac does not want to show what he wins. Indeed, the singer wants to stay sober, and does not indulge in excessive pleasures. In a recent interview, he even explained that he had forbidden himself to buy a car, even though he had dreamed of it since he was a child: “I don’t want to show what I earn. I have dreamed of a Ferrari since childhood, but I will not buy it. I’m a simple guy, my audience is too ”. According to him, he would betray his audience by becoming bling-bling. Thus, the singer has found the parade: he wears luxury brands only in the privacy.

If he displays discretion regarding his fortune, he does the same with his private life. Dad recently, Kendji Girac decided never to reveal the face of his little girl: “I understand that it’s intriguing but we won’t see it. If I could not talk about it, I would. My job is my job, the rest is up to me“. A decision that we at Objeko’s editorial staff fully understand. And you ? Please let us know what you think in the comments. We read everything obviously.

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