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Discourages unnecessary walks in some places

On Thursday morning, meteorologist on duty Eldbjørg Moxnes tells Dagbladet that the weather will be intense in Vestfold and central areas in Eastern Norway in the hours ahead.

– It is expected that it will continue to snow throughout the day. The worst has probably passed Agder and Telemark, but it will be quite intense in Vestfold and central parts of Eastern Norway for a few more hours. Throughout the afternoon, it seems to be calmer with rising temperatures, says Moxnes to Dagbladet at 8, and continues:

– The snow line will gradually creep inland in the next few hours, and there may be more wet snow, which can lead to slippery roads and challenging driving conditions. Today, our call is that one should not make unnecessary journeys, neither drive nor walk, as it can be difficult to see the sidewalks in some places. One should also calculate extra time for the trip and take it easy.

SNOW CHAOS: There has been a lot of snow in Oslo on Thursday morning. Photo: Fredrik Varfjell / NTB
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Challenging conditions

In the morning, a number of traffic accidents and challenging driving conditions have been registered in Eastern Norway. Traffic operator Tore Tysse tells Dagbladet that all mountain passes between east and west are closed, except for the E16 over Filefjellet.

– There has been snow in large parts of southern Norway during the night and morning hours. There has been most snow in Telemark, and a good deal in the height in Agder, while there is quite a lot of precipitation in Vestfold and central areas in Eastern Norway right now, says on-duty meteorologist Moxnes.

Moxnes informs Dagbladet that the snow has been unevenly distributed, and that in some places there has been ten centimeters of snow, while in other places there has been 30 centimeters of snow.

– In some areas there has been 10 to 15 centimeters of precipitation, while in other areas there has been 30 to 40 centimeters of precipitation. Along the Sørland coast, there has been up to 60 centimeters of precipitation in some places, but a good part of it has come as rain. The snow has accumulated quite a lot, so it can be difficult to keep roads free of snow. This is especially true in the mountain passes, which have been closed on the morning twig.

SMELLER: Here, two buses collide on Tåsen in Oslo as a result of the snow chaos. Video / Reporter: Elias Kr. Zahl-Pettersen
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Typical March

The snow chaos comes after a period of warm temperatures in Snow Norway.

– This is typically March. It is clear that when we had this spring period at the end of February, there were many who asked if spring had come to stay, but it is scary to predict at that time, says Moxnes.

– There may be such periods of snow, even if it is temporary. Already tomorrow it looks like it will be up to five plus degrees in Oslo, but it will probably be minus degrees at night some fags in the future, so it will not disappear in an instant, even if it will melt gradually during the day.

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